We took the kid to get his first haircut a couple of weeks ago. We went to one of those joints that are tailored for kids. They had a TV and a DVD player at every station, candy and a few small toys etc.
Every single barber chair was designed like a 25 cent kiddie ride, Max's was a firetruck for example.
The haircuter asked me what DVD she should put in for Max, and because They didn't have Bonanza on DVD I settled for Elmo's World.
We put Max in the firetruck chair and the screaming commenced immediately. The haircuter promptly turned into a witch and made me put Max in a headlock to keep him still while she cut his hair. When Allyson and I went to comfort Max the witch made us stop and said not to comfort him cause it's only going to make it worse. The witch made some reference to her kids while she was torturing ours, and my heart broke in two, cause I can just imagine how rough those kids have it over at the witch's place.
Here's the thing, both Allyson and I knew it was probably going to be a pretty rough experience for Max getting his first haircut. How did we know this? Cause we have a computer and books at home and we research this shit! Well, really Allyson does and I take all the credit. ;)
But the Witch was talking at us and acting like we had no idea that it was going to be... a little rough on Max. That's my biggest issue with her.
It cost us 20 bucks and they said that Max should come in every 4-6 weeks. Um... I don't think so. Once or twice a year's good for now.
You do know that you've likely scarred him for life, right?? *shakes head* I mean seriously ... Elmo?? WTF??
my son and i do haircuts together, it's become a special daddy-son thing.
I throw a temper tantrum when I see Elmo, too!
I pay $8! And the chick who cuts my hair is hot! Well, used to cut it, but that's a long story.
Maybe a Flowbee next time?
there is no way in hell that someone would keep me from comforting my kid or going in with them someplace.
My son's first hair cut was sitting on the kitchen counter at a friends house who cuts hair. He got to play with toys and crawl all over while we kept him from falling, and she just did a trim here, a trim there, as he was moving. Before you know it, it was the cutest dang little boy hair cut. No trauma or anything.
I think when he was 10 his haircuts were more traumatic, he wanted marine corps flattop hair cuts. And the guy in town that does them used to give haircuts on the marine base, so he would keep yelling at my son to keep his head up (cuz kiddo dips his head down) I let him yell, cuz I yell at him for the same thing. hahahahhaa
Poor pumpkin! Can't cha just trim it yourself for awhile?
But, damn! He looks awfully cute. :)
The important thing is not to give up!
Have you ever seen Celine Dion's little troll?
I don't think that boy has ever gotten a haircut- he looks just like her (and Rene if he had long hair).
Max looks very good and clean cut, though.
We got through it with Evan by giving him a sucker while she cut his hair. It worked awesome. You just have to ignore the fact the sucker ends up covered in hair. But kids don't seem to mind.
i cried today in the chair watching my hair hit the floor...
damn, damn, damn...
i think it must be that elmo was on the tv for me too.
if adam cartwright had been there...well, there would have been NO CRYING...not in front of Adam
So cute!
Wait 'til he's asleep...
Awww poor wee Max. I wouldn't go there again if I was you! $20 is way too much for a kid's haircut for a start!
no cutting the pretty curls : (
once a year for hair trim let it grow a little.
Why didn't you bring along a Star Trek dvd? Or Smallville? Wonder Twins????
Anyway, don't go to that witch again. Getting your haircut in a fire truck should be fun.
Max is soo cute. :)
Just cut it yourselves next time, in the kitchen as is traditional. Much less trauma for your little sausage. Poor kid!
Advice from the Princess:
In the future this is how you handle someone like this (doesn't matter if you're telling the truth, only matters that they believe you).
"Listen WITCH, I make $10 an hour working my butt off. Your goal to complete a haircut in 15 minutes and charge me $20 is not a priority for me right now. My child is upset and you WILL let me comfort him. If this haircut takes an entire hour, you're still making twice what I do. And if you are such an expert at your job, you should have known to block out an extra period of time for a young child's haircut. And if you choose to be a total !&%$@ to my child, Keep in mind that I have 4 children. I will make sure that every mother in the local school, daycare, dance class, little league, PTA, etc. knows not to bring their children to you. And since I'm a very active, and well respected parent in the "Mommy/Daddy Community" you might want to make sure I'm satisfied when I leave here! So from this moment on, I recommend that you put a SMILE on your face and LOVE in your heart while you calmly handle what is obviously a very difficult moment for my child. Got it!?!"
90% of the time, attitudes will change if you are dealing with a small business. Very few small businesses have the luxury of taking such a risk.
They shouldn't have witches working at places that cater to children. Shame on her!!!
Poor kid is going to be traumatized for life now. What a way of going about it!
Get someone to do it at home in his own familiar environment where he can see your hair being cut too. We did that and it worked a treat.
Max is stinkin cute Corky. Can't imagine any reason why that mean old lady couldn't show some compassion. And $20 for a kids haircut? Yikes. I pay $17 for my grown up cut. Oh well.
Oh poor Max! It doesn't have to be liek that, take him somewhere else next time, not a gimiky place but one where they like kids. xo
Awww poor Max (and parents)...but he does look cute..good luck finding a newer, nicer place next year!
he looks cute, next time (same bat channel same bat time heehee) maybe HE can call her a witch!
Only my youngest had a problem with the barber. The other two seemed to like have strange women doing things to them.....you know that old saying about the apple not falling far from the tree ;) ?
When I was a kid I had to sit on a board to raise me up in the chair so that fred, the female to male transexual could cut my hair. Just saying...
omg, how could u abondon the gum post... just think of the possibilities!
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