Forgive me reader for I have sinned. It's been almost three weeks since my last post. I basically blame society and drugs for that.
Allyson and I saw Star Trek on Friday night and it was fucking amazing! Chris Pine blew me away and by the movie's end there's no doubt in my mind that the man sitting in the Captain's Chair on the bridge of the Enterprise is Captain Kirk.
After the movie we headed over to Steak-N-Shake and discussed how brilliant Star Trek was and how much we both loved it. We also talked about what a travesty it is that Trek wont get Oscar consideration for Best Picture because it is Star Trek (Allyson may or may not have been in the bathroom during that part of the conversation).
I had a hot fudge Sunday and a glass of iced tea and Allyson had Strawberry Shortcake and a nice cup of decaff coffee.
The only thing that would have made Star Trek night absolutely perfect is if I had Allyson's knees pinned to her ears in the back seat of our Focus after dessert, but obviously with her being 9 months pregnant and the actual size of the back seat of our Focus that's not very realistic. Good thing there's definitely going to be a sequel to Star Trek and by that time we'll have a Ford Escape.
What a hoot! Sounds like the Escape is a good move. Glad to hear your thoughts on Star Trek - given you're an aficionado and all. Looking forward to news of the arrival!
Well. If YOU liked it, then it must be good! I can't wait to see it!
PS. Happy Mother's Day to Allyson!
Yup, we were all waiting for your approval before going to see Star Trek.
a good post,so what if you had not posted in a while,No Biggie!thell you BH that I wished her a Happy Mother's day.
Gawilli: Good to hear from you! We're pretty excited about the new arrival and I have a feeling I'm not going to get much sleep this week or for many weeks to come. ;)
Hoosier Girl: Thanks!
It's so good that I'm going to have to figure out a way to see it again this week. I'll probably go to Dixie Dozen and watch it during the day when Max and Allyson are napping. ;)
Jay: The movie actually exceeded my expectations and everyone in the theatre applauded at that end of the movie.
Mike: Yeah, I've been a bit of a slacker in the blog department and Thanks!
Glad you liked the movie!
Happy belated Mother's Day! Can't wait for the munchkin to get here!
oh man i miss Steak n' Shake
I am going to see the new Star Trek asap. Not sure when that will be though :(
Lol. Poor Allyson. Has she read this post??
hehehe; love the reference to the Focus and the Escape (and no I'm not actually referring to the knees pinned thing, just the Ford brand). You know I knew clicking through to your blog today there would be a post about this movie. Just. Knew. It. My parents saw it Friday and said it was good and really funny. I think I'll go see it based on your review and theirs. Have a good week (hopefully you'll be posting soon with good baby news!!!).
Star Trek -- yeppers, I knew you'd be the first to see it!
Nine months? Wow, she's counting the days -- I am sure!
So, I will definitely see the Newest Star Trek but I'm going to have to wait because I don't really like the theaters -- but, I'll see it as soon as it's released!!!
Again, congrats and good luck with the delivery of #2!~
I am not a Trekie in the true geek sense, however husband and I took the kids to see this on Mother's Day and I loved it! My Star Trek indoctrination was in the original tv series, and this movie did a fabulous job of tieing into that!
*patiently awaits news on baby #2*
YOU GO CORKY!! Do you think the movie is age appropriate for a 71/2 and dad?
it looks like 71 but it's 7 and a half.
Almost time for your number two son to be beamed up..
are you naming him scotty?
Beader: I really did. A lot. I need to see it again. Like this week. ;)
Abbagirl74: Next Monday can't get here soon enough!
FuriousBall: I'd gladly give up Steak-N-Shake for a decent diner.
Biddie: She's been in a good mood this week so I didn't get too much grief about it. ;)
Terri: I plan on posting a pic of the baby on Monday night. Mom and baby are staying at the hospital and Max and I are coming home to sleep.
Farmer*swife: Thanks. Allyson is definitely ready to have the baby and we can't wait to see him.
Dana: Now that's my idea of a perfect Mother's Day. :)
Crusty: I would probably let Max see it when he was 7. Of course I would have to ask Allyson first, and I'm still pulling for Clark Kent myself. ;)
Ok, you've made ME want to see it now! Thanks for the review!
Wonder if I can get some of that knee to ear pinning going on afterwards?
I keep hearing good things... I wanna see it, but just can't seem to get to the movies. Should I force Mr. J or just wait for DVD?
So the baby's name is going to be Kirk?
ford focus...........
I am so glad that you gave it a good review. Jay wants to see it soooo so so bad, but with him watching chick movies all month, he just can't make the time. Plus, I would hate to take him and have him cry the whole way home because it sucks so hard.
Hoop and I just got back from seeing Terminator. You know, it probably wouldn't have been a bad movie if it hadn't followed Star Trek. I'm not sure any other movies are going to be able to compare to that one this year. Hoop's seen Star Trek twice already and we're considering seeing it a third time this weekend.
[The only thing that would have made Star Trek night absolutely perfect is if I had Allyson's knees pinned to her ears in the back seat of our Focus]
Gasp! I am so shocked! LoL!
Can't wait for the movie. Don't think I could bring myself to go to the cinema with all the film hating public tho, (there must be some reason why they chat through the films these days.)
I got to see it a few days after it came out and loved it. I expected it to be good, but it even exceeded my expectations. They managed to revive the series with some much needed action while still staying true enough to the Star Trek universe.
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