Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I just don't think that I would wear dark or colored socks while I was fishing. I guess it's a cultural or generational thing. I would and do sit in a chair when I'm fishing for catfish sometimes. A lot of people say that you have to be really patient to fish. I say you have to be really compulsive. Trust me, I'm not the most patient person in the world, but I could definitely make a run at grand champion most compulsive person ever. Other compulsive activities Captain Corky likes to engage in are drinking, gambling, Football, comic book collecting, and blogging. But don't worry I've never jerked off or had sex more than 6 times in one day. I've heard horror stories that involve skin coming off, but like I said, even I have my limits.
Question's number 1 and 2: Do you like to fish? And what is the most amount of times you've tossed off in one day?
When I was younger I used to get really anxious right before a weekend camping trip or a birthday party. Now in days I get really anxious in January and February waiting for the playoffs. Lately I'm anxious all the time in anticipation of Corky Jr's birth. It's OK to be a little anxious every now and then but this 24/7 shit's for the birds. It doesn't go away! I wake up, I'm anxious, I take a piss, I'm anxious, I eat a really shitty dinner, I'm anxious, I write a blog post, I'm really super fucking anxious. I've never caught a fish that made me feel anxious enough to get back to land, but some day I will. On top of feeling anxious all the time I also feel really giddy.
Question's 3 and 4: What makes you feel anxious now? And then?
I guess part of what's making me feel really anxious lately is the fact that I don't have the schematics in place for the birth-day. I guess I've just watched way to much golden and silver age television. Allyson is probably going to have to carry the suitcase in one hand and me in the other. Perhaps I will draw up the plans for the extraction and post them on this here blog within the next couple of weeks.
Question 5: How many times a week do you eat dinner without the television on?


Anonymous said...

I don't think you have to be patient to fish, but you have to be patient to stick with it if they are not biting. I only wear thing on my feet that won't get ruined if I get a wet foot, which is not unusual.

I look forward to seeing the schematics...

Jay said...

I don't like to sit when I fish. I want to be up on my feet and alert at all times. You can't get lazy out there, ya know. Also gotta keep an eye out for snakes. ;-)

magickat said...

There was no answer for Question 5.... are you pulling a David Chase on us here?

David said...

I haven't fished since I was in high school!

Lady K said...

cork ~ fishing RULES. Whether in a boat or hanging my feet off a dock somewhere, it just RULES. I actually OWN my grandpa's fishin' pole! I don't care WHAT I catch...give me a cooler, a picnic, and I'm alright.
I can say I've definitely gotten bored enough waiting for a bite to "toss off" a few times in the wilderness. I catch and release. Does that mean I toss off? LOL I could eat fish any day of the week. (OH that sounded so wrong just then)

I have been anxious since last October. You know why. The O.R.is definitely getting close.

Hmm...I don't eat dinner much during the week...cheese & crackers does it for me most nights. Weekends are my cooking time to make food for lunches.

Yep, I'm a freak. LOL

Lady K said...

P.S. I usually have the TV on just for background noise, except for the nights there are good shows on. Yeah, I really need a hobby. LOL

Angry Empanada said...

did you want us to answre this stuff because damnit i havent been fishing since i was 3 just before dad died. sorry.

anxiety has become one of the worlds leading disorders.

take a zanax. ;p

captain corky said...

Gawilli: You kind of have to be patient with catfish. Sometimes I'll drink a nice 40 while I'm waiting. ;

Jay: When I fish for bass and trout I move around a lot and use lures but here in Kentucky I like to drink while I'm fishing for big ass catfish.

Kat: It's been over 20 years since the last time I ate dinner, at home, with the TV off. :)

David: That's a sin.

Lady K: You are a freak and that's part of the reason why I like you so much!!!

What a crock: I love to wash a zanax down with a cold beer. Do I have a drug problem?

Cazzie!!! said...

I love fishing, I have to be the driver of the boat. I have to stand while I fish, I have to bait my hook and I have to prepare the catch myself if I caught the fish. The largest fish I ever caught was a Flathead, he was about 3kg in weight or so. I snagged a sting ray once, and cut the line to save my rod.

Jodi said...

Oh Corky, you're going to be okay. Hang in there.


Dan said...

I totally agree with answer to Question 5.

In fact, I couldn't have said it better myse ...

Cheryl said...

I used to fish in the local pond when I was a girl and my dad owned a pet store. He'd pay me $1 for each goldfish I caught and then sell them in his store as pond fish. I never sat down. Still don't. I don't fish, either.

MrRyanO said...

"The Extraction" LOL!!!

Our first child was a wild experience...all good, but we clearly forget EVERYTHING we'd learned in preparation for 'the extraction'. The second one was an induced extraction, so not as chaotic.

I didn't feel any pain during either of them, so you've got that going for you...

furiousBall said...

I hated fishing until my son decided he loved it. So now I love it.

Big Pissy said...

Nope....not a fan of fishing...

I don't eat dinner....maybe some cereal or yogurt.

The t.v. is ALWAYS on here...mostly for background noise during the fucking "season of reruns"


Gina said...

Uhhhh, I've been fishing exactly ONE time in my life. The fact that I never did it again is a big hint on how I felt about it.

Aw Corky, and here I thought we were perfect for each other! Between this and the camping thing, it could never be! ;)

Gina said...

And, I just re-read questions 1 and 2, and I want to reassure you that of course it is normal to be anxious, but try to relax. There is nothing productive that comes out of being anxious about it! Be hopeful, be anticipatory, be happy, but DON'T be anxious!

The baby will come and you will semi-quickly adjust (the first week or so is extremely difficult) to a new normal and you will be just fine.

Now, go and do some breathing exercises, man!

Jenny! said...

Relax dude! You will be amazing when the birth-date comes...everything will be natural instinct!

Fishing would make me anxious, I heard if your on a row boat, you have to pee in your empty beer bottles!

Hazed said...

1. I love to fish. I can stay for hours, even if I never get a nibble. I take my camera and photograph the wildlife and daydream. Sometimes, if the nibbles are good, I stick my toes in the water and let the fish come investigate.

2. Even my husband doesn't know the answer to that question ;)

3 and 4. Wondering how my children will turn out. Wondering if I did everything right. Wondering if I'll be a good grandmother. Wondering if I'll find another job. Money tends to always make me nervous. So does my mother. I call my standing script for Valium my "mom pill".

5. Never. Unless the power is out. Or we eat out - even then, most restaurants have tv's, now, with sports on. Despite what scientists and headshrinks say, tv at dinnertime with my family is about the only time we ever spend as "family time", because the kids are teenagers and have so many other things to hold their interests besides us "old people".

Webmiztris said...

"And what is the most amount of times you've tossed off in one day?"

From reading your answer, apparently "Tossed Off" doesn't mean anything NEAR what I thought it meant. ;)

captain corky said...

Cazzie: Fishing kicks ass! I caught a skate in Cape Cod once. I thought it was sting ray but skates are a lot smaller and completely harmless.

Hoosiergirl5: Thank you J. ;)

Dan: It's just that at this point I thought everyone in the world new that I never eat any meal without the TV on. Unless I'm on the computer or at a wake.

Cheryl: I used to spend every spring break fishing every day in the local pond behind the high school where I grew up when I was a kid. It was awesome!

Rockdog: "I didn't feel any pain during either of them"

That's very good to know and very encouraging!

captain corky said...

Furiousball: So just like Luke saves Anakin, Van saves you! Got it. ;)

Big Pissy: I need to quit dinner too. It's just that I get so weak around meat and potatoes. ;)

Gina: Thanks for the encouragement and we'll always have fine dining. ;)

Jenny: Or off the side of the boat. It just depends. I think girls "jump in" and pretend that they are going for a swim. ;)

Fridaysweb: How was the shore? I like "Mom Pill" a lot!

Webmiztris: A lot of the time I have no idea what I'm talking about myself. ;)

Ms. Tuesday said...

1. I used to fish at summer camp and on the houseboat with my dad when I was little. Im not sure what we caught, but holding them to take the hiook out always skeeved me out. Id hang out on a boat on the water all day, but in a canoe just for the sake of fishing??

2. I seriously hope "tossing off" means how many you throw back, otherwise we just learned the REAL reason Corky likes to fish!

3. Im a high anxiety person. I stress about everything all the time. I worry about what is going to happen and if its going to go right, especially when itsd out of my control. Generally Im cool as long as I have control of the situation. Otherwise, Im a stress bucket.

4. When I feel anxious I complain or try to take control or veg in front of the tv.

5. We usually eat at the table with the tv off... OK maybe its like 70% of the time.

The Lone Beader® said...

I always eat dinner with the computer on, and I was compulsively drinking last nite. LOL.

Jenny! said...

Wow, peeing off the side or jumping in makes a shit load more sense than peeing in bottles...good to know!

Alicia said...

Hey I was at the mall today and I saw a game called BEERPONG. WAY awesome ping pong where the object is to land your ping pong ball in your opponent's beer mug and they have to drink.
Also, a TON of shot games like DRINKO (Which I am TOTALLY getting for myself). It's like PLINKO only with shotglasses at the bottom!!!

Lou said...

Is that the Bat signal I see in the sky over The Diner? In this case the signal is in the form of a plate of Fries with Mutz. Say the word better yet have Mrs. Corky and my Godson say the word and I will mount the troops.

Michael C said...

I also wouldn't wish while wearing Wally's shoes, either.

captain corky said...

Tuesday: As soon as Corky Jr is able to sit up and eat we are going to start eating at the diner table. Our enthusiasm should last about a week. ;)

Beader: Hope you're feeling alright tonight. ;)

Jenny: You can always count on me for useless information. ;)

captain corky said...

Alicia: Finally, beer and the mall come together to form Corky's answer to Mecca.

Kim Jong Ramone: Where have you been? Hurry up and change. Class starts in 15 minutes. I'll talk to you later.

Michael C: Never judge Wally unless you've walked at least 5 miles in his shoes.

Biddie said...

Don't really like fishing very much..someday, I'll tell you why.
Always have the tv on, or I get lonely. Like tonight. Smiirnoff kicking in. Gotta go.

Lady K said...

Hey, I just read about the police chief getting shot over there. Did that affect your town? While I'm not a HUGE fan of the po-po, it's still a shame that people are such assholes to do shit like that.

Tink said...

It would be great if you could bottle up all that energy for AFTER the baby comes. Then, whenever Corky Jr. has you up all night on only 2 hours of sleep, you could take a nip of it and be OK.

Jenny! said...

So not useless, if I ever went fishing I wouldn't embarrass myself by asking for a beer bottle to pee in!

Drizel said...

Number 5 is not even a wuestion...gosh...hihihi....dont be anxouis.,....breath....enjoy the weekend.

captain corky said...

Biddie: I like smirnoff almost as much as I like television. Sometimes more.

Lady K: Most people are really big assholes! Thank god for people like you and me. ;)

Tink: That would be awesome! But thankfully I'll still have coffee to rely on.

Jenny: I'm always here to help. ;)

Etain: I'm looking forward to the weekend! You have a great one too.

whimsical brainpan said...


I just had a flash of you planning for the arrival Dick Van Dyke style.