Baby is happy, healthy, and has almost gained a pound in two weeks. He was born 6 pounds, 9 ounces and is now 7 pounds, 6 ounces. The little shit is already eating me out of house and home and we just got here about three hours ago.
To learn more about Max and other babies born

Now that we're home and everybody is happy and safe I can get back to writing about my favorite subject on Monday... Me.
He is so precious! That is great that he gained weight and you are finally home! Give him a hug and squeeze those cute cheeks (lightly) for me!
I missed everything! Where the hell have I been?
Congratulations, Corky. He is absolutely beautiful. I love the c-section babies, they don't get that cone-head. I'm glad he's ok.
Jenny: Thanks. I'll give him a good hug for you.
Cindy-lou: I've been wonder where the hell you've been too. Thanks for the kind words. ;)
Welcome home, little dude!
so glad to see him in real clothes - what a handsome devil.
Sunshine: Thanks. Nice to hear from you even though you're on the road.
Queen of Dysfunction: Careful, that kind of talk turns me on! ;)
Erika: I think he's pretty happy to be home and I think both cats are really taking to him. Either that or they're getting ready to pounce...
WHOA-NELLY!!! I'm going into my dance!.....yee HAW! Now maybe you can get some sleep....well...maybe in about 6 to 8 months you can...but at least you'll be able to cat nap in your bed. I'm very happy for you all. Max is a good looking kid...does attractiveness jump generations?::::just kiddin:::
Awwww, little Max will fill that cot in no time and be running around saying ,"Let's wrestle daddy" before you know it :)
Okay, here's a well known secret in my community. I LOVE BABIES. One summer I took some in when I didn't have to teach (those days are done-I teach all summer now), and I am licenced. But look, if you ever need a sitter, I'm your girl--Free! All I ask is that I can bring my son--he helped me when I ran my mini day care. He loves babies too. This is truth, dear Captain!
Yay! You are all home. Now Allyson can finally exhale and enjoy her baby.
He is precious, truly.
Can I come across the bridge and see him? Pretty please???
I am SO GLAD you are finally all home together!
He is totally adorable, that pic in the carseat reminds me of a similar one we took of our son way back when. Sniff.
But man, Max sure has a sweet ride in that carseat, what is that, satin or something? Sheesh, I'm jealous.
Ah! My own jammies in my own bed in my own digs. It just doesn't get any better than that!
Home where he belongs!! Now he can get busy moving on with his life and exploring his world.
I'm glad everyone is home happy and healthy. What an ordeal!
Awww.... I'm so glad:)
He is so adorable!!! So glad you guys are safe and sound at home now! :)
Home, and healthy and happy. That's 3 H's, as my mother would say. I'm so happy. I could tell you're doing good 'cause that last sentence made me laugh.
Jerrster: This baby thinks he's slick, but his dad is slicker! I'm up at night and Allyson will be up during the day so we may just get some sleep around here.
Cazzie: We're having a great time with him, that's for sure.
Enemy of the Republic: I may just take you up on that offer. As a matter of fact, I really want to see Harry Potter 5. ;)
Hoosiergirl5: We should work something out sometime. He really is precious. :)
Gina: We're having a great day together. It was perfect for his first day outside. Low humidity, blue skies, and a nice breeze.
Gawilli: It really doesn't. :)
Jay: He's had quite a day already, but I think he's really digging his new home.
Beader: It's a beautiful thing!
Karmalennon: It's great to be home. Pretty soon we're going to play with our action figures.
Cheryl: "The 3 H's" I like that a lot!
It cannot be said enough.... That is one beautiful baby...
just remember this overwhelming love you have in your heart for the little guy ten years from now when you've discovered he's sold all your action figures on ebay:)
YAY! I am SO happy for you!
He is so cute, Corky. Hugs for you and Allyson.
I am so glad he is home... now get some rest, he will have you hopping for the next few weeks!
So glad you are home with the Max, isn't it a wonderful feeling? and you think you are going to be writing all about you from now on then! you think we going to let you!
Madame X: Thank you very much. I never get tired of hearing compliments about him. Even after he's kept me up all night. ;)
Biddie: Thanks. It's a very happy time for us.
Nancy: I was going to get some rest tonight but there's a Star Trek mini-marathon on TV Land!
Her Indoors. Ok, I admit that I enjoy writing about Jr just as mach as I like writing about me.
Glad you are all home and everything is on track.
Glad to hear you, Allyson and Max are doing well. Congrat's on the little man!
Oh Goodness he is just toooooooo precious! I am so glad you are all home and doing well. :)
Enjoy the little one.
I heart Max SO MUCH! I really do. He's adorable. Glad he's home and gorging.
Welcome home!!!
I think I'm in love...I do have a thing for younger men ;)
Metal Mark: Thanks. It's good to be home.
Karen: Thanks for stopping. Hope everything is well with you.
Debs: We're having a blast with him, even when he's a little fussy. :)
Kat: Thanks. He loves to gorge...just like Dad.
Pink: It's great to be home!!!
Welcome home, Corky Jr. It's about time!
From new mothers to RNs, women everywhere deserve a salute.
Good to see the little guy home with the fam.
Oh my goodness, I thought you were kidding about living in Kentucky. You were kidding about Cletus, right? That beautiful baby is actually named Max, right?
I am so glad that you are home with baby Max and Allyson. He looks cuter than ever; look how he is holding on to his pacifier. Thank you, letting us know what was happening these past two weeks. When you go back to writing about you, we all would appreciate hearing about Max occasionally. However, I will be tuning in to read about you too.
I think that Kentucky is a beautiful state. I have number of relatives that live in Kentucky. My sister and husband, my niece and her family live in Louisville, and my sister-in-law's family lives in Lexington
nothing like home.
Welcome home...i'm glad everyone is happy and healthy. Take care...look forward to Monday and hearing all about you!
I love your funny posts, so I am looking forward to those again.
Just remember, posting baby pictures will always be a winner, especially when the babe is as cute as Max!
Glad you are all home together as a family and doing well.
I'm glad you guys are all home safe and sound. I'm looking forward to hanging out in the fall at home with the little guy and play with his super hero figures.
I call Green Lantern already!
He looks SO happy to be home!
Dilling: Thanks! Things are very good.
Eric313: Women are great, aren't they?
MJD: Kentucky aint that bad. I just love poking fun at it. And I promise Max is his name and not Cletus. ;)
Eric: The only thing missing is the apple pie.
Jamie: It's hard not to talk about the little guy. It might take me a little longer to get back to me. ;)
Ashley: I took your advise and plan on working a baby pic into every post. ;)
Birdman: Do you call one or do you want them all?
Alicia: We're all happy to be home, but he's getting a little anxious for Football season. ;)
WTG and congrats on bringing him home. You think he eats a lot now?? Just WAIT until he is a teenager...hee hee. Giving you nightmares aren't I?? LOL.
Max is perfect.
Allyson is going to fling a dirty diaper at you if you don't watch it, pal! -h
Enjoy your baby. He is beautiful! Perhaps he´ll want to meet my Matilda... ;)
MAZEL TOV on arriving home safe and sound.
So, did Allyson take babyC around your house showing him an entire new world?
I'd give anything to spend a day in the mind of an infant..they're alot smarter than they let on to be.
That is wonderful! There is nothing like a baby with a Soothie taking up half their face in your own house to cause true happiness!
BYW, Curse you! Baby pics are only making me want a third one in our house!
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