Please Note: The title of this post was inspired by episode 80 of Leave it to Beaver, "Beaver Takes a Bath."
This weekend was really good and very busy for us. The 1st Annual Captain Corky Labor Day Comment-a-thon was a huge success! Mostly due to your contributions folks. Our next big project is the Captain Corky Million Comment March, and I'm also running for President in 2008, but lets finish up this year first.
On Sunday we took a day trip to St. Louis so that our good friends Doug and Celine could
The state of Indiana has won favor with me. The speed limit has been increased to 70 miles an hour on Route 64. That makes me happy. Illinois on the other hand has fallen out of my good graces. There is only about 3 or 4 places to stop between the Indiana state line and the Missouri state line. Not good when there's a baby that needs to eat! But I do have a lot of friends from Illinois who read this blog so Illinois is forgiven.
Make sure to click on this picture and check out all the action that's going on in Bumble Fuck Illinois.
Any theories as to what they might teach at the Oak Grove Learning Center?
I clicked on that picture of Bumble Fuck, Il. "Phone from car"? Is that another way of saying, "Sorry you pulled over when you saw this sign with a phone symbol on it. There's no phone here. Phone from your car. If you don't have a cell phone, well, it sucks to be you."
Have you ever driven through New Mexico? No? Well, the route we take ends up with just two rest stops less than 100 miles apart at the north end of the state. It's torture!
Good thing you included two pictures of the kid in this post. It makes up for having none in the last one.
(Oh, and I've been lurking since Max was born. So, hello!)
He's getting so big.
Pretty soon he's gonna want to borrow the car, ask you about condoms and all that good stuff
And I thought only the big boys were always trying to pull off their pants
Thanks for the bathing beauty shots. What a cutie.
So quickly he isn't looking all wiggly and breakable anymore :)
NOW, can I hold him?
So, nowhere to stop huh? It has always been like that. Think about it Corky. You would have never noticed this nowhere to stop problem before you had Junior.
You are now going to notice how inconvenient the world can be for parents.
BTW, the empty cans from baby formula are perfect for scooping chicken feed, so I'll just have the empties. I still have two empty cans from back when George (14 this month)was a baby and one has rusted through at the bottom. The chicken feed doesn't fall through just yet, but we're not far off.
Sorry,once you've participated in a comment-a-thon, it is hard to go back to just ordinary comments.
Lots happening in that lil' ole' town. Beng a non-smoker, I just realized a pack-o-cancer costs more than a gallon of gas.
Adorable Max in is first jeans. Now, all he needs is some shoes!
Max is getting more cute by the day. And LoL, Bumble Fuck is my new favourite word.
I love the little pants. I had forgotten how cute baby clothes can be! And the bath picture is adorable, too. Enjoy these days, Corky. It won't be long before he's rolling his eyes at you (as some people do around here).
Bumble Fuck...Where is that, exactly? I think that we have one of those, here, actually.
Yup, Max pulls off that look like a pro. You'd think that he's been wearing them his whole life.
looks alot like bumfuck ohio...
hey Al capitan., sorry I was so absent...just stuff you know, they haunt me in my brain...:)
YOur child still cute beyond the cutest cute:)
Have a good day.
Sounds like you guys had fun! And isn't the speed limit 70 like everywhere? It is here anyway, although that actually translates for most people into like 90. As long as you're under 100 things are all good. ;) And Max pulls off the pants very well. Too cute he is!
very cute! hey, if you can travel to Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, you can certainly travel to Michigan! I'm not 30 mins from the border and I can keep and squeeze that cutie pie while you and Allison have a fun night on the town. Just a thought...
Calamity Jenni: That signed confused me too. But very little about that place didn't confuse me. ;)
YinYang: Welcome to the family! And thanks to your experience I will not be driving threw New Mexico until Max is at least 10 years old, and can piss on the side of the road adequately. ;)
Alekx: I plan on buying him a tank when he turns 16, not that I'm overprotective or anything like that. ;)
Pink: Absolutely! He's turning into a real boy right before our eyes and he didn't even have to stop lying to do it.
Peggy: That's just one of the beautiful things about a comment-a-thon, We learn how to communicate with each other on much deeper level. :)
Why aren't you getting Beamed places??? Some Trekkie you are...
Nancy: I think we might have a couple of pairs shoes for him... But I'm not in charge of inventory around here. ;)
Tod: Glad I could share some good ol' American culture with you.
Hoosiergirl5: Do people really roll there eyes at me J? ;) Most of the time we keep him in onsies ro sleepers, but pants are cool for an occasion pic or two. :)
Biddie: I think he may have been born with them on. Who can remember what happened two months ago already. ;)
Tuesday: Welcome back. It's nice to see you around these parts.
Etain: Thank you for the nice words about Jr. I realize that you're going through some tough stuff. I'm just glad everything is ok, and it's nice to see you. :)
Karma: I think Delaware is still 55. The bastards.
Terri: I want to definitely hit some of those camp grounds and fishing spots up there. Don't be surprised If Corky Jr comes knocking on your door someday. ;)
Rockdog: They took my beaming privileges away for one year for drunk beaming. The fuckers!
awwwww now you just need the cowboy boots to go with the jeans. hehehehe
Aw, first pair of trousers! Too cute!
P.S. Corky for president!
I've made that drive on 64 from Louisville to St. Louis. There is NOTHING to see there. Nothing at all.
Have you ever been on the small, narrow, forever bridge over swamp land, a few miles south of New Orleans? Very creepy, especially at night. Absolutely NO light, bridge old as hell and just barely big enough for 2 cars to slide by each other. There's a warning sign before you get on the bridge, that the bridge goes on forever and to make sure you have plenty of gas and life left, before you cross. Go over it at night- I swear you'll have nightmares- no horror movie could make a scarier place!@
Super cute little man :)
He's quite handsome in his little jeans there... yes... but he looks as though he doesn't quite fancy the bath, or at least it shocks him!!! If he's like his Aunt Jackie, he'll come to appreciate a good hot soak in the tub one day...
Glad you guys had a great weekend. I wasn't ready to return, but had to face the inevitable!! :D
I know all about Buttfuck Illinois and Indiana to boot. Once you've seen 'em, you have seen them.
I'm sorry I missed out on your commentathon. I will participate with rigour for the next.
I used to bathe my son in the kitchen sink.
I'm glad we've been "forgiven" so to speak..
hmm, smokes are cheaper there, they host a gas/stick the learing snearing truckers in the back, AND there's a learning center? Wowzie, that's intense for a rest stop.
Phone from car, eh? so does that mean, pick up pay phone while seated in your vehicle? Or, pick up bfe signal from your cellular while in car...
Burfica: I don't if the kid's quite ready for shit kickers yet. ;)
Guilty Secret: Thank you for your support!!! Corky in 2008!
[Cherry] Ride: Before I make my final assessment of your beloved state I have to visit Chicago again.
Jay: In all fairness there were lots of cool farm ponds. I had a real urge to get out of the car and do some fishing, Fishing is something, isn't it?
Tracey's Treasures: Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the family. I've never been to New Orleans. I would love to go sometime.
No, no, no....they roll their eyes at me, not you. I am the stupid parent. In 12 or 13 years, you will be the stupid parent, too.
Dude, if I lived closer, I would so be your nanny. With full benefits, of course.
Aunt Jackie: First thing he does is piss as soon as we place him in the tub. But he's liking it more and more.
Enemy of Republic: Next year the commentathon is going to be incredible. It was a lot of fun.
Crusty: Have I ever told you how much I love Illinois? I'm still trying to figure that place out. ;)
Hoosiergirl5: But I'm still having too much fun beign a stupid guy. ;)
Christie: Very nice! ;)
Oak Grove Learning - Corn, I think!
They plant the corn for a reason...cheaper than roadside rest stops.
I lived in Indiana for a few years. I hated it. I thought it was the armpit of the U.S. Then I moved to Michigan...
Sorry about the boring ride. I do love to fish but have not done it since my dad passed away.
Your son is adorable. I love the name Max. What is his full first and middle name? Is it just Max? Sorry I am just curious.
Thanks for stopping by Corky.
I'm still in awe by the number of comments you received on your 1st Annual Captain Corky Labor Day Comment-a-thon. You gave me an idea of my own. I'm going to lift my shirt for comments. Ya think it'll work?
What a cutie! I can't wrap my mind around wearing pants, since it has been 100+ here every day for the past seven days!
It's getting old!
Don't worry, Corky. You still have plenty of time to have fun. You don't become a stupid parent until your child hits approximately 13. I'm triple stupid right now, having 3 teenagers. I hope to get smarter as they grow out of the teen years.
I am very jealous of this 70 mph speed limit. We need that here in NYC. People drive it anyway. It would just give us an excuse to go 90.
It springs from our balancing of sects.. Got a fall from my donkey this morning, he said, noticing a quizzical, interrogating look upon the face before him, and fell squar' on the hat.. May be, I replied, still more wearily.. The infernal ole fool 'sulted me, an' I lef' him to walk home.. I hate that speech! Only see his obstinacy, said the solemn Joseph.. To the suggestion of the slave whom he had in charge for the time being that the articles be laid aside until he had finished, he would not listen.. The legs in the dream recall an impression of the previous evening.. She says: I don't know that; I won't take it.. I see that she is compelled to create an unfulfilled wish in life.. But I saw at once that he was of my height, five feet four and a half.. Now and then a symbol in the dream content may have to be interpreted not symbolically, but according to its real meaning; at another time the dreamer, owing to a peculiar set of recollections, may create for himself the right to use anything whatever as a sexual symbol, though it is not ordinarily used in that way.. The next instant she had seized him.. Here, as well as in spontaneous awakening, the first glance strikes the perception content created by the dream-work, while the next strikes the one produced from without.. A calculation in the dream content simply means that there was a calculation in the dream thoughts; whilst this is always correct, the calculation in the dream can furnish the silliest results by the condensation of its factors and the displacement of the same operations to other things.. Ellsworth, I believe, politely said Mr.. Van Kamp reached in his pocket with the reflection that the spot, after all, was an ideal one for a quiet summer retreat.. The little vessel furled her sails and drifted slowly landward, and as she was of very light draft, she came close to the shelving shore.. Henry's best volumes of short stories are: The Four Million (1909), Options (1909), Roads of Destiny (1909), The Trimmed Lamp (1910), Strictly Business: More Stories of the Four Million (1910), Whirligigs (1910), and Sixes and Sevens (1911). The result will be an attack of anxiety, just as an attack of anxiety in the street has often been the cause of establishing an agoraphobia.. The best thing we can do is to walk home...
Wow. I dream of 70 mph speed limits... Actually, I dream of going 70 miles per hour on the Expressway in Boston... That would be nice...
omg he's growing up quite fast right in front of my eyes!
The lounging on the couch pics are definately my favorite and he does wear his jeans very well.
I LOVE it when the speed limit is 70MPH!
Jr is looking very dapper.
You should try driving around cali some. Ok, well NOT south cal, that just sucks! about 45min to travel the 12 miles back from work.
It does look like the pants work for the lil guy. That's good =)
Talking about melting moments..I just had one when I looked at the images of your little man :)
Corky Jr seems to be in a state of shock about the bath!
I think he prefers pants a great deal.
TAFKAPW: Let's hope so. ;)
Leslie: I thought it was because they hate me. ;)
Tink: I lived in NJ, then DC and Now Kentucky. Where Captain Corky goes next nobody knows. ;)
Har: His first name is Max, and his middle name is Alvin, which is also his maternal grandfather's name and my father's middle name. Everybody wins. ;)
Bottleblonde: I have a feeling that would work very, very, very well! ;)
Gina: It's been ridiculously hot here too, but at least it's starting to get a little cooler at night. Soon Fall will be here!
Hoosiergirl5: I'm going to embrace every moment of it. It's been amazing so far.
Kat: There are no tolls here either. Out here in God's country we don't believe in toll roads. ;)
Jacobmoore: Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment.
Beader: Anything under 75 is unacceptable out here on the highways.
Keshi: It's amazing how fast he changes. Every day something new happens.
Birdman: He just the couch. He's getting ready for years of hardcore television watching. ;)
Whim: Thanks. You would love it here. Outside of the city limits you go as fast as you want basically.
Chucky: I hear lots of horror stories about driving in California. That's one reason why I like it here. No traffic.
Cazzie: Thanks. :)
Princess: Yeah, he's not 100 percent crazy about bathing yet. I guess I should wait a couple days before I enroll him in swimming lessons. ;)
Awwwwwwwwww that Max is one good lookin baby...
my dear gremlins were so cute when they were young...then they grew up and turned into evil teenage mutant ninja fartheads...lmaooooo.
Just wait...someday in about 12 yrs I will say TOLD YA SOOOO
Hello, Captain!
Very nice posting, thnak you.
I go to be with the Greek people, and you?
I love those pictures, where you have the baby propped up and his belly sticks out and he looks like he has no neck. I have many of them from when Caden was a baby. You know what, Corky? They don't stay babies for long.
I just didn't want you to be surprised when you woke up and all of the sudden Jr is starting school.
My pleasure.....gosh that face is still too cute for words...hihihi....I want one:)
Jr. doesn't seem like he is too sure about bath time : ) Very cute pictures.
Too True, Cork, Tou know what corn is good for growing between!
Hi there...I stumbled on here by accident but it seems like a cool little place with some nice people. So first off...hi. Second...your kid is totally the cuteness!
You are right, he does wear those pants well! Both pictures are great!!!
You are right that there isn't much on that drive. My mom grew up in the area where I-57 and I-64 intersect. There is nothing there, which is why they moved away.
Canadian Flake: I don't believe you. Max is always going to be a saint, just like me. ;)
David Santos: Thanks for stopping by. I like greed dinners in New Jersey. They're the best.
Cindy-lou: I know. He's growing so fast, and changing every day.
Etain: It is so much fun spending time with him. He's so amazing and fun. You should get one. ;)
Myutopia: Jr is getting better with his baths, but he's still not sure about them. Neither was I until one mysterious day in Jr high. ;)
TAFKAPW: That would be enough of an incentive to make me move there forever. ;)
Queen: He very well could be another Theodore Cleaver or even the next Eddie Haskall. Could you imagine that?
Bonnie Blue: Thanks for stopping by, and welcome to the family. There's nothing but love here. Thanks for the kind words about the kid. :)
Ashley: Thanks! I'm sure I would enjoy the drive if Max was older, but I wont do it again until he is old enough to handle it.
He looks like he wants out of the dress-up clothes and back into the stretchy-soft ones. Poor Jr.
When I lived up that way, I do believe I stopped somewhere in BumbleFuck.
Cork Jr. looks terrified of the bath. I really hope he doesn't have an aversion to water in the future. You wouldn't want to give Aquaman a complex, now, right?
Glad things are good and y'all are out and about. That new superhero gets cuter by the day. I puff my chest with pride for you, and not in the way you think, perv. ;) comment and I'm family. Cool.
Doesn't Captain Corky look smashing in his wee denims...very handsome!
Cheryl: We learned a lot about kids this time around. We should be better prepared for next six or 7 kids. ;)
Lady K: Me a perv? Never. ;)
Bonnie Blue: Two comments on the same post. You just moved up in the pecking order around here. ;)
Jamie: Compliments about Corky Jr will get you everywhere! :)
stinkin' cute photos Corky! especially love the one in the little jeans!
Max! Pants! Yes!
he looks like a little man in baggy pants.
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