Yesterday morning my wife woke up to me standing over her with a can of spray paint and a bandanna around my nose and mouth. Scared the shit out of her! "Sorry about that Allyson". I was spray painting the word Galileo on her stomach. Why was I doing this? Because I realize how bored Corky Jr must be, having had to spend the last 20 weeks in the same exact spot and another 20 more to go. That's why I decided to build him a club house of sorts. Now he can pretend that he's on a 20 week solo mission aboard the Enterprise shuttle craft, the Galileo 7. When Allyson feels him kicking both Corky Jr and I will know that what he's really doing is beating the shit out of some Klingons. It's all good fun. Oh, and don't worry about the toxic fumes from the spray paint. I make Allyson wear a gas mask when she goes to sleep at night because you just never know when the Asshole who lives in 4B is going to be cooking up some Crystal Meth.
Here's a picture of Corky Jr giving the world the finger. He's an angry and cynical little guy sometimes. He must get that from his mother because the glass is always half full when I go to take a drink out of it.
These pics take my breath away every time I look at them. Only now do I begin to understand...
These pics take my breath away every time I look at them. Only now do I begin to understand...
As long as primitive spear wielding giants don't attack then I am sure that Corky Jr. will be fine.
Actually, I thought that when he kicks he's just practicing for his career as a soccer player. LOL
Kidding .. kidding ... I kid because I care.
LOL @ He must get that from his mother because the glass is always half full when I go to take a drink out of it.
Love the scan photos.
I am truly amazed...speachless...
VERY COOL, cork.
I see you, Corky Jr. !!! :D
Amazing pics! Did you find that it is much more "real" now that you've seen the ultra-sound? That's how I felt...
Awww, un petit poulet! He's so sweet and tiny! Thanks for sharing the pictures, they made me cry a little. I'm an emotional bastard today.
awww, thanks for sharing the pics of Corky Jr.
The only way to make a club house worthy of corky jr would be with a second level and Allyson would just look silly with a deck around her mid-section!
The neighbor and his crystal meth!! lolol!!! I have neighbors like that.
I'm having a hard time making heads or tails of the photo, but that's cuz i'm not very experienced in this... I was sort of scared when I saw that long appendage sticking up, I was about to say "ALRIGHTT CORKY!! YOU GO MAN!"
Oh, a couple of my more active ones decided to rebel against the constraints of the womb, such as it is, I swear they manage to run laps in there.
My hubby was never "into it" when I was pregnant save for the "scientific evidence" portion of the deal, like the ultrasounds and of course, that magic moment when he was in on the action and could see everything and cut the cord, etc etc. Because, gee, not that my hugely expanding midsection wasn't darn fascinating, but he didn't feel part of it, but the technology and "go time" he was all over that. Glad to see you're so pumped about the baby's first photos as well!
aww look at mini-cork go!!
it's hitting you isnt it? you sir, are a bonified father. remember to play the baby music while still in the womb. it warps their mind into music loving little tiny fiends. but watch your choices. my mother had me listening to the start of new wave. now look at me. ;D
That rocks, Corky! I can see that Allyson is in for a lot of fun times!
that rules, Corky Jr. will be having a good time in the clubhouse fo sho. when my son was in da belly, he was crazy active. i always wanted to play the mario bros. theme for him and see if he would start jumping with the music or anything. he'd probably have an aversion to turtles though
He looks like a quarterback to me :)
Mark: Star Trek references will always win you favor with Me and Jr.
Jay: I'll love the kid even if he decides to play soccer.
Pixie: Thanks. Technology is grand.
Lady K: Me too.
The lone Beader: I'm pretty confident that Corky Jr will have a great love for fire trucks.
Justin's Mom: Yeah! The feeling is amazaing and I don't think it's ever going to go away.
Alicia: I hope the pics cheered you up a little.
Bardouble29: Thanks for checking them out. :)
Birdman: Yeah, I don't think Allyson would be too crazy if I built a prison wing off the side of her stomach.
Aunt Jackie: I had trouble with some of the angles too. Allyson and the doctor had to slow down the process so I could follow along at times. Story of my life. :)
Sunshine: Exactly. It's hard to relate to alot of the stuff that's going on with Allyson but I'm being very supportive. I even cut back on a couple of hours of Television.
Yasamin: Yeah, It's hitting me big time! Allyson is really into music and she sings to the baby when they're in the car all the time. Unfortunately she won't let me play Barry Manilow's greatest hits for the kid. But he has listend to Purple Rain once or twice.
Rockdog: Thanks. I have a great link for you supplied by KJR.
Furiousball: Thanks. Do you have a blog?
Pink: Are you trying to get into my pants? ;)
Kim Jong Ramone: I know.
you know what this calls for??? an online baby shower. ;D
awwww i should make it a little foofoo beanie!!!! aaawwwwwww
*bursts into tears*
sorry... emotional day.
Good lookin kid, captain Corky!
Man, it's been (sniff, sob) almost 11 years since we saw one of those pictures. Our first one (turnign 13 in a few months, god help us) was a vigorous kicker and came out this beautiful delicate little girl (who was really quite close to perfect and still is). the second one wiggled constantly and came out a screaming, pooping, eating, kicking BOY!
This is an amazing time and you know what? It just keeps getting more amazing. Soak it up. It goes fast.
Are you sure he's not giving us the live long and prosper??
Aren't sonograms amazing?
Like Heidi says, soak it up.
Still in awe. Touch that belly for me, if she's not too weird about it. I know a lot of pregnant women get pissed off when total "strangers" think they have the right to do that.
Wow. Those are amazing. :)
Cork, you always make me laugh!
....but then there at the end... so sweet! :)
LOL!! I wish I had of thought to spray paint something like that on my stomach all five times I was pregnant.
what a beautiful boy. now the spray paint?? your a nut. ahahaha
Already giving the finger.
I like this kids style!
WoW that must be an amazing feeling to see your baby like that!
The Galileo shuttle craft? Wasn't that the one where there was a rip in the space time continuum? No wait, that happens in all of em...LOL!
AAHHHHHH brilliant this is so kewl....:)
Captain my friend this really was nice story your gonna be great dad I can tell.
your kids not even boad and already you cant wait to play games with him and build him treehouses, its great to see stuff like that.
all the luck in the world with the next 20 weeks
adorable el captain corko. nothing says "welcome to this world" like a gas mask and a can of spray paint....congratulations bud!
Holy Toledo! These photos are, like, National Geographic or Discovery Channel stuff!
Just wait until you hold him. You WILL cry, it's such an awe-inspiring experience.
He looks like he's doing well. I think he's reaching out to hold his daddy's hand! (smile)
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