Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to do any fishing with Max last week while we were in New Jersey. But then again, if I wanted to do some fishing with my son NJ would be the last place on earth I would go. Unless we were going on a boat in the ocean and fishing for Fluke or Blue Fish. Then NJ would be a great place to go for a fishing trip.
I've only been back in KY for about 36 hours, and already shit is crazy. I'm working my ass off this week, I started my diet for the eight hundred and 37th time this year, and to top if all off, I started chewing gum again. I just couldn't help myself...
Those fuckers at the convenient store always put gum right in front of my face as I'm trying to check out with my stuff, In today's case a small 24 ounce cup of coffee with 3 Splendas and 4 Half and Half's. I saw the "New Look, Same Long Lasting Flavor" WildBerry Extra as I approached the counter at Super America (gas station/convenient store) and I couldn't control myself. My knees got weak, I started sweating profusely, I was drooling on myself uncontrollably, and before I new it I was chewing 4 pieces and blowing the world's largest bubbles. Oh well, I guess there are worst things I could be chewing, like Spaghettio cud for example.
In other news my diet is going great. I'm having three pieces of Extra for Dinner, and a pot of coffee. It's great to be back, but damn it's hot in Kentucky!
I've only been back in KY for about 36 hours, and already shit is crazy. I'm working my ass off this week, I started my diet for the eight hundred and 37th time this year, and to top if all off, I started chewing gum again. I just couldn't help myself...
Those fuckers at the convenient store always put gum right in front of my face as I'm trying to check out with my stuff, In today's case a small 24 ounce cup of coffee with 3 Splendas and 4 Half and Half's. I saw the "New Look, Same Long Lasting Flavor" WildBerry Extra as I approached the counter at Super America (gas station/convenient store) and I couldn't control myself. My knees got weak, I started sweating profusely, I was drooling on myself uncontrollably, and before I new it I was chewing 4 pieces and blowing the world's largest bubbles. Oh well, I guess there are worst things I could be chewing, like Spaghettio cud for example.
In other news my diet is going great. I'm having three pieces of Extra for Dinner, and a pot of coffee. It's great to be back, but damn it's hot in Kentucky!
I think you'll get even more hungry chewing all that gum! LOL.
It's the same with those ruthless bastards at the liquor store who put the big "Beer on Sale!!!!" signs up.
Its hot in Indiana, too. 90 today. I hope to be Kentucky bound in just about a month. Hopefully it will be cooler by then!
You know what gets me? All these fun fruit-slash-mint gums. They freshen your breath and taste like random exotic fruits!
Can't resist.
Same store made my buy Spearmint Altoids yesterday. And my breath didn't even stink. Bastards!
I love Opie, looks like my Zach.
it's a conspiracy I tell ya...I mean it..
first it is gum chewing..then they take over your mind...then the world..
Where is Kirk when we need him..lmao.
Welcome back. You don't have to worry about dieting. I'm doing it for both of us. Maybe barium has a special fat-burning additive. If so, expect to lose about 5 pounds this week.
It's only hot in Kentucky 'cause you're back in it, baby!
I was wondering if you were ever going to post again!
How's Max?
Man can not live on gum alone....
I can pass on gum, it's those darn cinnamon Mentos that I have to stay clear of.
I love Opie Taylor ... especially the way he says "Paw" with his freckled scrunched up face.
that is quite the interesting diet.
If only I liked coffee, I would be dropping the pounds away.
you have to take him fishing on the Passaic, it's tradition.
IN POINT OF FACT, you have to ride your bikes to the Passaic River and then go fishing with him. I will bring the Better Cheddars
The SMALL 24 oz cup? Perhaps you were trying to be funny there, but what then pray tell is the large?
If you were serious about loosing weight, then you'd cut out the coffee and drink (sorry about this) water.
I loved the picure of Andy and Opie. They just don't make shows like that anymore, do they?
Gum...mmmm, i could go for some right now, but i'm a swallower...i chew it for a bit then swallow it a little at a time. I know 'they' say it's bad for you ...but i'm trying to live a little dangerously...in my own way.
I'm glad I got over here and Max is still a baby...and you haven't figured out a way to wear him as a hat....or have you?
Beader: Judging from the way my stomach is growling I would say that you are right. ;)
Tod: Those fuckers at the store are responsible for a lot of shit. Let's get them all!
Jay: I'm the biggest sucker I know for the 18 pack. What a great deal.
Gawilli: My cohorts at work say it's going to cool off very soon. I'll believe that when I see it.
Princess: I love erotic fruit flavored gum. Er... I mean exotic fruit flavored gum.
Sunshine: I think Opie will make a great role model for Max. I'm definitely steering clear of Arnold Drumond.
Queen: I'm usually not that gross. I just couldn't resist.
Flake: Exactly, They start controlling our young with candy, and then Television and then finally drugs... We have no hope.
That's not exactly true... We do have Corky's log! ;)
Cheryl: I got one of those Balance Balls, do you think I should blow it up, and use it today? After all today is the first day of the rest of my life. ;)
Hoosiergirl5: Max is doing great, and you can always count on the log and my posts. ;)
Biddie: Some drugs would be nice too, but I have a kid so I'm playing it cool this week. ;)
Nancy: How come it only took Opie 20 minutes to learn life lessons and It taken me over 30 just toget the basics down? ;)
Birdman: We've got he mighty Ohio here. It's plenty of polluted. Trust me. But you can come fishing with us when you visit.
Peggy: I never try to be funny. Never.
As for water, fuck that noise. Just kidding, water it is. ;)
Jamie: I say enjoy it. If I listened to everything "they" said, I'd be too scared to get out of bed in the morning. ;)
Jerrster: I'm trying man, I'm trying. ;)
good to hear about your diet and all, but where's the daily photo of Max?!?!?
I miss him! :)
well welcome back. I thought I would have at least three posts while I was gone on vacation to catch up with but there was only one! Speaking of favorite gum; Trident Tropical Twist is the best! By the way, Max is looking cuter every day and I just started weight watchers this week. Ugggh!
that diet is ulcers best friend... great to have you back cc, you've been missed!
Welcome back. We missed you!
At least the convenient store isn't selling anal lube...think of the trouble you'd have with the impulse purchase!
Awesome, a fellow gum addict!!!! I never go anywhere without it. You'd think it would've helped me quit smoking by now but no. And yay for the diet going well! My not eating thing seems to be resulting in weight loss too. ;)
We missed ya! Glad to have you back! At first I thought we just lost you to football, but then I remembered where you were!
LOL! I've been getting hooked on gum AND Spaghettio's lately. Too funny...
started the 'cabbage soup' diet yesterday and ended it yesterday too, spent too much time on the toilet, no wonder you loose weight!
diets suck fed up of them!
I love gum but can only chew it for about 20 minutes. My jaw locks up. stupid thing.
I got my popcorn and coffee diet going though. hehehehe
Why is gum bad? What am I missing?
Also, Corky, I mention you by name in my post today.
I was wondering where you were...
sounds like gum is kinda like your kryptonite or something...hopefully it will help with the diet...I myself haven't found anything to help in that department...
welcome home
Glad your back! Anytime you are in Tx. Tim will take you and Max fishing just no dancing he says it scares the fish, go figure and why are you on a diet?
live a little.
have some extra extra...then we can read all about it.
when I chew gum I am so hungry and at night I dream my teeth are stuck together by gum...Crazy....shame max must be enjoying nu clear fishing..whahaha..HUGZ
I tagged you on my blog.
What's wrong with gum?!? I think it's got some benefits...
Anyways, It's hell out there, so BEST of Luck on the diet... I know it is hard.
Have a great week!
Welcome back...only 4 half and halfs in that coffee??
Kentucky versus New Jersey--I almost moved there once.
Being a man and calling himself a barn swallow is totally gross.
I didn't read the post, I couldn't get past that really.
I am sorry to hear about your gum addiction. Maybe you can find a local 12-step program to commiserate with others about the evils of gum chewing.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with chewing gum. As long as it's sugarless I say go fot it.
I'm very big on bubble blowing too.
Pissy: I'll post a pic of Max in my next post. He misses you too. ;)
Terri: Thanks. Good luck with Weight Watchers! I've seen it work for a lot of people.
Crashdummie: Thanks! It's glad to be back to blogging. I'm not so sure about work however. ;)
Guilty Secret: Thanks. I missed you guys too.
Rockdog: I do my best to stay away from anal lube, but sometimes...
Karma: Right now I have a really bad toothpick habbit too. I would like to replace it with gum, but I don't think that's going to happen.
Gina: Thanks. My vacation was great and I ate lots of great food, butIt's good to be back home.
Lady K: Should I be ashamed of myself for the fact that I still eat Spaghettio's at 36? ;)
Her Indoors: I don't think I could do a cabbage soup diet. I do like kimchi though.
Burfica: I have this really bad toothpick habbit that makes me bite down on my teeth really hard sometimes, but the good news is that it helps me stay off tobacco.
[Cherry] Ride: Thanks for mentioning me in your post dude. I love reading about myself. ;)
Dilling: I've got lots of different types of Kryptonite. Tobacco, gambling and TV just to name a few of my favorite addictions. ;)
Marykay: I may take Tim up on that offer some day. I need to lose some weight because I've been eating way too much. I don't feel great right now.
Pink: L I V I N, that's what Captain Corky does! ;)
Etain: I think a picture of your teeth stuck together would make an awesome picture. If only I were an artist.., ;)
Aunt Jackie: Thanks. Nothing wrong with gum as long as you don't chew too much. That's according to Willy Wonka.
Heather: Yeah, it was still a little dark for my tastes. ;)
Enemy: Kentucky versus New Jersey might make for a good post one of these days. ;)
Angela: "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams."
Do birds make you sick? I don't understand?!?
MJD: Have I ever told you about my 346 other addictions? ;)
Whim: I always buy sugar free gum unless I'm at work and get screwed by the vending machines. But now I wont buy any gum out of the machine if it's not sugar free. Hope all is well with you. ;)
You only have 346??
Its raining here in the UK.
Love the diet!
I miss Max pic :(
btw di they hv KFC outlets there? :)
I am a gum addict. I chew gum to relax. I blow bubbles to annoy others. If I am really upset I will chew 3 pieces of gum and chomp hard. I heart gum!
Ummm.. How do you fish with Max? Please don't say bait..
Welcome back! It's still hot in Kentucky? It's getting chilly in my corner of the country.
One of these times in your Jersey forrays you should alert me and I'll be sure to fend off our gum supplies during your visit.
LOL, ya know that drooling is not a good look right? Welcome back mate
Oh my god are you serious about the gum? Why are you trying NOT to chew gum? Isn't chewing gum supposed to fight cavities and shit?
Just saying hi. I guess I don't know the problem with gum.
Casdok: The diet's going good so far, but I to add a sandwich or two to it. ;)
Keshi: Louisville is the world HQ of KFC. LOL
Debs: Cracking gum to annoy people is a lot of fun. :)
Blancodeviosa: Max and I do all sorts of things together, most of it takes place in my head however. ;)
Emmeline: It's actually been raining for the last two days so I think things are finally cooling down here.
Furiousball: You mean you didn't hear the angels singing as my car crossed the PA/NJ Border? ;)
Cazzie: Ladies love the drooling, but from Max not me. ;)
Kat: That's what those bastard gum people say. ;)
Nikki: Hello. Good to see you. :)
Eric1313: Bass is good here, but Catfish is the king fish here. I've caught some really nice ones, and I love to eat them. I prefer trout fishing over all other kinds of fishing, but the trout fishing isn't really that good around here.
G'day Cap'n Corky,
Hot in Kentucky, is it? Perfect for fishing, then ....
Hope you enjoyed `dinner'.
let me get this straight - you're trying to lay off on the gum habit? lol! you goody-two shoes! ;)
hope your good....hugz:)
I don't understand... What's so bad about gum?? *She says as she pops another stick in her mouth*
Gum and coffee. The breakfast of champions! (and cokewhore supermodels)
better than smokes and coffee..I'll trade habits with you!!
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