I need to hit the Powerball so I can stay on vacation for the rest of my life. I don't think that's too much to ask out of life, do you?
I love waking up between 6 and 8 to feed Max, cause after breakfast Max goes back to sleep with Mommy for a couple of hours and that gives me time accomplish my one and only goal for the morning, to go and get a cup of coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. I guess I also like to spend quality time with my hands down my pants, but what guys doesn't?
Then at lunch time it's time for lunch. Yesterday I ate at my favorite bagel joint, and Allyson ate at Dunin' Donuts which apparently is on every street corner in New Jersey now. After that we did some sight seeing on the way to a couple of department stores.
It's fun going to the store with Jr cause there's nothing more exciting than pushing his baby carriage around. Those things handle better than BMW's do. Plus, Strollers today are like Lego sets... They can turn into Igloos and shit if you get caught with your baby in a winter storm.

Dinner time is the best time around here though. Uncle Kim Jong Ramone walks in from a hard days work to find his house a mess and Max and I laying on his couch while Allyson is napping in the other room. It''s a lot like breakfast time only no trip to Dunkin' Donuts, usually Chinese food or Italian food instead. Yum!
After an exhausting day like that we all go to sleep nice and early. After all, I have to do be at Dunkin' Donuts sometime before noon tomorrow.
PS Max is having great time and feels a lot better, and is getting spoiled rotten.
Sounds like fun! I'm glad that Max is feeling better. Look at that smile! priceless.
sounds pretty good to me, coffee, doughnuts, coffee, dinner, anp time, tea time count me in! glad Max is improving, god he is just adorable
Man, that kid is teaching you how to LIVE!!!!
aww, what a happy little guy!
I would love to eat at Dunkin everyday. I am envious.
OMG how cute. I bet he's laughing at you huh???
We don't have a donut shop here. grrrrrrrr
Sounds like a nice relaxing vacation. I want one!!!!
Permanent vacation would be awesome although I'm not quite as enthused as you with the Dunkin' Donuts thing. I absolutely LOVE this picture of Max!!! It cracks me up! :)
I'm drinking a cup of DD coffee at this very moment. Yum! So warm, comforting and delicious!
I picked it up on my way home from my late morning walk w/my sister. Now I'm relaxing and blog surfing for a few. Sigh.
Cute smiley picture of Jr! Glad he's getting better.
Sounds like you're having a wonderful vacation!
Wow, look at that smile. I'd never stop tickling him if I met him.
I miss Dunkin Donuts, I'm thinking of sending them a card.
I'm on the same page there ... I'd like to be on vacation for the rest of my life too.
Max is one happy baby boy!
awww hes soooo cute!
I started my diet yesterday and all I can think about now is donuts! Thanks for that.
That picture is friggin adorable! I seriously forgot everything you just said. *Gasp* You should use his cuteness for world domination! Quick, put it on the header.
I forgot to mention - my dad LOVES dunkin donuts. There are no dunkin donuts(es) where my parents live, but I live directly across the street from one, so he always goes there several times when he and my mom come to visit.
My kinda vacation! Glad baby Max is feeling better.
You do NICE work Allyson! Oh, did Corky mention he wants 7 or 8 more? Something about a team...
Great smile. Good to hear that Max is going so well.
Re: prams - all they have to do is put pram wheels on shopping carts and someone's going to be a millionaire from that simple process!
Listen, I've only been at Dunkin' Donuts one time in my life, which was on a trip in New Hampshire. The lady that worked there was such a bitch, Hubba-hubba and I have a running joke about DD. And their donuts weren't even that great. Winchell's does them better. And yes, that is some sort of sacrilege, but I'm on the West Coast and I don't care.
Sweet face! (And Max is cute, too)
Dunkin' Donuts is a no-no, Corky!
Stay away!
Ah, that smile is great. The only thing better would be to hear the giggle and coo that go with it.
Sounds like you're having a nice trip. Dunkin Doniuts is the greatest. I wouldn't have graduated law school without them. Large black hazelnut coffee. :) Though they screwed it up almost every day. How do you screw up black coffee?
Max is such a cutie and sounds like such a good baby.
He just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I haven't had Dunkin Donuts in years, but I used to love their chocolate donuts. Hmmm, I think I'll make a stop there when I move to Seattle. I don't think they have them down here.
Glad everything's goin good with the little one. He'll be fine.
Man, when that last one went over three hundred million, i was mentally salivating everytime I passed the billboard with the jackpot in lights.
Makes me feel bad for my friend who just moved to Arkansas. No lotto in that state. I was like, "at least you've got like ten million chickens. Isn't that conmsolation enough?"
It wasn't.
Glad you are having such a relaxing time and enjoying yourself. That Max gets more good lookin everytime I see him...and of course he SHOULD be spoiled...that IS his job after all..lmao.
Have fun ...
We don't have a Dunkin' Doughnuts around here. I'm so deprived.
Donuts! It's what's for dinner.
Or breakfast. Or lunch!
Loving that laugh.
Welcome back---glad you had a great time!
I'm glad everyone is having fun and that is the cutest picture!
come to Canada and I will treat you to Tim Horton's...
that smile must be such a great thing to see after a hard day's work!
Awww cute!!
So damn cute!
I am craving Donuts now, thx.
Yay, Max is smiling, we're all smiling :D
Tim Hortons is my happy place.
If you ever get your hand out of your pants (your happy place) then go on up to Canada for a really fine cuppa joe and a blueberry fritter.
I think Max is laughing at you, Corky!
Biddie: It's been a blast up here. I already got my cup today and it's only 7:30. Jr woke up at 5 AM hungry as can be.
Her Indoors: Thanks. I haven't done enough drinking though. Only on Saturday so far. What's up with that?
Heidi: It's all about L I V I N
Webmiztris: He really is. :)
[Cherry] Ride: Is 2.00 dollars and two cents a good price for a large cup of coffee? It definitely tastes like it's worth it.
I'd trade places for a day.
Burfica: He always laughs at me, but I don't have a complex about it yet. ;)
Karma: I just love me a good cup of coffee. I don't care where it comes from. ;)
Jessica: I like drinking coffee while I'm reading and writing on blogs. It's a nice way to spend time.
Emmeline: I am. ;)
Furiousball: He's starting to laugh and he smiles all the time. I think he's going to be ticklish.
Nancy: I hope he's always happy, but my wife keeps telling me he's going to be teenager someday.
Casdok: Thanks. :) Welcome to the log.
Tod: Hopefully next week this blog will be a diet friendly blog. ;)
Tink: We do plan on ruling the Galaxy as father and son, but for I have to complete his training.
Emmeline: It's nice incentive to get him come visit more often. That's a good thing, right? ;)
Marykay: Thanks. Max is doing great. :)
Leslie: When Allyson reads your comment she might throw a shoe at me. ;)
David: Thanks. Not a bad idea!
Gina: Their donuts suck, especially compared to Krispy Kreme, but their coffee is pretty good. Most of the people that I've seen working in NJ are pretty nice. They're our kind of people Gina. You'd love em.
Hoosiergirl5: Dunkin' Donuts is much better out here, but like I just told Gina, Krispy Kreme donuts are 10 times better.
Bonnie Blue: I don't know how any of us would get through anything without coffee. Unless we had some Vodka of course. ;)
Max is a really good boy. ;)
Christie: There's one on every corner in NJ. It's kind of ridiculous, but I'm thankful because being the lazy person that I am, I don't have to drive.
Eric1313: Winning that much money would be so sweet! I can only begin to imagine.
Canadian Flake: Thanks. Today we're going to have grandma buy him a bunch of shit. :)
Jay: But I'm sure they have at least 300 Starbucks over by you. LOL
Neroli: Thanks. We're having a blast!
Whim: It's been a really good time.
Dilling: I wanna come to Canada so you can show me where the trout and salmon are.
Keshi: I love to see that smile evey minute of every day. :)
Cazzie: Thanks!!!
Heidi: Great to see you! I'm good like that. ;)
Guilty Secret: When Max smiles the whole world smiles with him. :)
Pink: Max always laughs at me Pinks. :)
I've got to get up to Canada someday. So much I want to do there, like fish, fish, and fish.
Cheryl: Ready for anouther vacation already? I know I'll be as soon as I get back. ;)
OMG what a cute pic of max!!
The picture of Dunkin' Donuts has now made me hungry.
I thought I had already seen the cutest pics of Max, but every one gets better. Durn you Corky and Allyson and your good genes!! Much better than the Demi and Bruce kids.
All this talk of food is way terrible for me as Mr. J and I are cutting carbs, so for you to post photos of Dunkin' Donuts is blasphemous... Thanks. Thanks alot. I guess I can go have a cup of coffee though. :P
Your trip sounds kick ass. Sleeping and eating rules and I'd travel anywhere in the world to do it.
But how come you aren't making stops at Wa-wa's? That's like a STAPLE of Jersey!
Can one have a doughnut mirage? If so, I had one yesterday. I thought I smelled doughnuts and saw the corner of a Dunkin Donuts sign. Sadly, it wasn't.
Max looks so sunny! I'm glad he's feeling better.
yeah i wouldn't mind a power ball. but we don't have that out here.
that does sound like a good fun filled day!
btw: this is chucky.
I am sure baby loves that time with you as well.
Have you taken JR. to the Shore yet?
I just came home from Martha's Vineyard. Can you believe there's no Dunkin Donuts on the island?? :0
I almost want to drink coffee when I smell it at DD.
Max is just a happy little cute face.
It was so good to see you guys! Max is SO cute! :-) I know what you mean bout winning the lottery....this 5 day work week is a bit much for me after the start of the school year and two short weeks....
Nothing wrong w/the daily Dunking Donuts fix! I like the orange Coolotta except sometimes it gives me the brain freeze!
Enjoy the rest of your trip!
It is always so adorable when babies laugh like that.
Max looks as though he's rather fond of holidays, too!
I thought I was going to be cool and post a comment from my cell phone while at work. Only blogger wasn't having any of that. Though I can read the blog....ahem....Log at work. So that makes my day just that much better =)
I can't remember the last time I had Dunkin' Donuts. But, I could really go for some right now.
Just seems like you have the day planned out right!
Sounds like a yummy time...glad Jr is feeling better!
That is an AWESOME picture! Heck, it even made me smile!
I'm with ya on this one. A permanent vacation sounds like heaven. Glad to hear Max is feeling better! That smile is priceless!!!
We're big fans of Double D's over here in chitown..their crossant bacon egg cheese things are just greasy enough..
Ha..strollers..you're not lying! They can probably point out constallations if we can find the right button!
Glad you're nejoying yourself!
So smiley Max! SO Soooooooo cute!!
Get your hand ouutta your pants or I'm going to call you Ted from now on.
what's with all the damn food posts! sheez.. don't you know i'm on a diet :(
Wait til the little guy is jammin his favorite music and pretending to do homework while he updates his blog!
You know he's gonna be just like his dad!
Mmmm...donuts...and coffee...hazelnut, extra cream, 4 splenda's please ;-)
Max = still as cute as a cream puff.
mmmmmmmmm donuts
and coffee
life is good
I'm so jealous! Of COURSE we don't have Dunkin Donuts here in Hell.... :(
Oh well...I couldn't eat 'em anyway! LOL
Max is SUCH a little doll! :)
Super cute picture of Max!!!
Hope you have a great trip.
omg omg omg I think I just died a lil' - Max is sooooooooooo cute!
You cant really expect me to comment on you Dunkin' Donut Fixation after distracting me with such an adoreable pic of Maximillian? :D
So I'd like to live in Panera's for a while. Dunkin Donuts for you?
So, I just figured out that WALGREENS sells DUNKIN DONUTS ground coffee beans...
Needless to say, Dunkin Donuts isn't welcome here in Mormonville... so I'll have to bring a bit of the east coast to Idaho!
Let me know if you find a stroller than can indeed transform into an igloo, or a two bedroom ranch.
Between the kids and the cats, I normally average 6 hours of sleep per night.
When you win the Powerball, remember your humble readers. We could use a donut or two.
Yeah, what lady MJD says!!
I'm hungry..I've got the coffee..where are the donuts?
That picture of him in the car seat is the cutest yet. He looks like George Foreman.
Does that mean that I think George Foreman is cute? I'm....not....sure....
I used to love Dunkin Donuts when I lived in Rhode Island, where they started I think. That was a million years ago now. SUPER CUTE pic of Corky Jr...keep em coming
So, where IS Corky? HEy guys, how many people are looking for a fun new post from the Captain?
I hope things are okay over by you guys-all be well!
Is this what you call a "Silent auction?" OR, rather, a "silent comment-athon?"
Lets do it readers, lets give daddy, mommy, and CorkyJr a wonderful blogging gift of LOTS OF COMMENTS!!
Who's IN?
Count me in!
Corkster... Don't be hatin, but I tagged ya. :) Pretty please??
Where are you? I didn't think they allowed overnight visitors at DD.
Jersey has a D&D on every corner right next to the Exxons.
That has to be one of the cuties baby pics...well except for mine. Noone is cutier than mine lol
I don't drink coffee, only tea and there is no place worth getting tea other than Dunkin Donuts. And they have the best donuts too.
Good times.
Now I have to come back out and see you in January.
I like Panera too. Gosh, Max is just so handsome with that fantastic smile!!
Consider yourselves warned: do not eat the egg sandwhiches at Duncan Donuts!
Max is so so so so cute!
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