Corky Jr has his first cold according to a verbal report given to my wife by a Doctor on September 11th 2007. The little guy has a bit of nasal congestion and has been sleeping a little more than usual, but remains happy and hungry when he's awake.
When I told my friend Nate at work that Jr has a cold he was not surprised and had this to say, "My son has been sick just about as much as he's been healthy." Nate's son is a little over one years old and has tubes in his ears from liquid build up. Nate had issues with his ears when he was a baby. Genetics. Nate's also a Southern Baptist Seminary Student who's working towards his Master's degree in God. Despite the fact that he thinks I'm going to hell, we have a very good friendship for someone I just met a couple of years ago.
Willsix, a life long friend of Captain Corky's who's getting a law degree and probably going to hell too, was very sympathetic when I told him about Jr's condition in an instant message yesterday. He related that that his daughter Sylvie also has had colds before, and in fact that she was just getting over one. It's cool that I can rely on such good friends who have a little more experience in dealing with offspring than I have right now. I should be an expert by the time our 5th kid is born, but for now I'll lean heavily on friends for advise and guidance.
Update: 9/13/2007
The wife, Jr and I are leaving for NJ tomorrow to visit our friends and family. The vacation wont impact my schedule, except that I wont be around tonight or tomorrow. I have complete faith that everyone will be ok while I'm gone. Please don't waste an entire box of tissues crying over the fact that Captain Corky wont be around on Friday. I look forward to catching up with everyone very soon.
Take Care,
When I told my friend Nate at work that Jr has a cold he was not surprised and had this to say, "My son has been sick just about as much as he's been healthy." Nate's son is a little over one years old and has tubes in his ears from liquid build up. Nate had issues with his ears when he was a baby. Genetics. Nate's also a Southern Baptist Seminary Student who's working towards his Master's degree in God. Despite the fact that he thinks I'm going to hell, we have a very good friendship for someone I just met a couple of years ago.
Willsix, a life long friend of Captain Corky's who's getting a law degree and probably going to hell too, was very sympathetic when I told him about Jr's condition in an instant message yesterday. He related that that his daughter Sylvie also has had colds before, and in fact that she was just getting over one. It's cool that I can rely on such good friends who have a little more experience in dealing with offspring than I have right now. I should be an expert by the time our 5th kid is born, but for now I'll lean heavily on friends for advise and guidance.
Update: 9/13/2007
The wife, Jr and I are leaving for NJ tomorrow to visit our friends and family. The vacation wont impact my schedule, except that I wont be around tonight or tomorrow. I have complete faith that everyone will be ok while I'm gone. Please don't waste an entire box of tissues crying over the fact that Captain Corky wont be around on Friday. I look forward to catching up with everyone very soon.
Take Care,
Captain Corky
Poor little Max. The cold season is just starting, and he got hit aready.
A master's degree in God?!
Aw, poor little guy. Sorry he's sickly. :(
Yeah, one of my co-workers has ended up being like a mother to me and she's ultra Christian while I am....not. She doesn't think I'm going to hell though. So that's good.
Aw. Hope he feels better soon...
Sorry to hear about baby Max. Half of my daycare children have the same thing. Try cool mist humidifier, saline nose drops and a wedge for the bed they sleep alot better!
Poor max :(
The cool mist humidifier does work wonders though. Hope he feels better!
Ok the Mom in me wants to tell the Dad in you to "suck it up..it's just a cold and he WILL have worse before his life ends"..lol.
I will ,however , remind myself that you are new too all this and refrain from saying it...and have some sympathy for poor Max...as I do hate to see the lil guy sick.
Just wait til his first ear infection...hopefully he will never get one ...but most kids do at some point in their life..
You aint seen nothin yet bud...
Buckle up tight...it's gonna be a bumpy ride!!
There...don't y'all feel better now?? lmao
Never trust any doctor who says "I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer".
p.s remember before you delete my last comment that I AM a trekkie that thinks you are way sexy and ya love me...remember?? huh huh?? lmaoooooo.
((hugs)) and kisses to Max.
Poor Max, I hate when babies get sick =(
Be sure you have one of those handy dandy "snot suckers" to keep his nose clear.
I hope it passes quickly.
Whisky fends off most things that ail a person...wait until he is at least 1 to try this method.
Hope he feels better soon.
Did the doctor say if Nyquil was ok for Jr to take?
Hope he's doing better today.
Oh and, I'm going to Hell too. I've had a lot of people tell me that I am. They all seem to be pretty sure of it and much more of an expert than me, so I guess there's nothing I can do about it now.
Does Mrs. Corky know you have four more kids planned?
Love to little Max...
5th?! Have you told your wife about this fantasy yet? ;)
yes yes lots of colds to come, but the good news, from someone that worked in child care for 9 years, is that with each little sniffle and cough his immune system gets stronger.
I have a PhD in God, and I KNOW you're going to hell. But we talked about this already. We have a big corner table reserved by the bar and the fireplace - room enough for all our friends!
Now as for Max. He's just a country Doctor Jim. I'd get an expert.
Hope you don't have to amputate.
hope the little man is getting better. colds are good they help build up the immune system, give him a cuddle from me x
ps only four more kids!
Biddie: Yeah, with a minor in Jesus.
Karma: Nothing wrong with a little love as long as doesn't judge everything you say and do.
K: Thanks!!!
Marykay: Saline drops are working really good. I might have to try them out for myself. Thanks for tips. A humidifier is probably what I should get next.
Feels like Home: Thanks! And thanks for the advise too. ;)
Canadian Flake: Thanks, I need some tough love very once in while. ;)
I hope Max doesn't get any ear infections. I've only had one or two my whole life. Hopefully I've passed ear ache defense onto him.
Metal Mark: I don't know... Is there anything in the known universe the shot in his hand can't cure? LOL
Nancy: I do have one and the Saline Nasal Spray is working wonders. :)
Rockdog: When I was younger I used to use scotch for Cancer Soars, and for coping with life, but that's a story for another time.
Jay: No medicine for a cold apparently. There's no doubt in my mind that you're going to hell. Maybe you could sit at the same table with me and Pinks.
Guilty Secret: Not so loud... I'm working on her. ;)
And Thanks!
Tink: I'm breaking her in gently. Right now the plan is for three all together.
Birdman: His cold isn't too bad right now. I'm sure it will be gone by the time we head up there.
Pink: When you have a PHD in God does that entitle you to speak with God? Cause if you do speak with him could you please tell him that I need to win the lottery. Tanks.
Her Indoors: Thanks! Max appreciates the cuddle. ;)
I wish I had a Master's degree in God. Or Felix the Cat.
Definitely one or the other.
Baby colds suck but it'll give you a chance to perfect the art of the nose sucker thing.
Thanks for the shout out, Cap'n.
My little miss is still sick, poor thing. She has an ever present stream of snot that runs from her nose like a faucet. The only benefit is that now she sticks her finger into her nose, pulls it out, and then says "ewww!". Not even two years old, my little genius.
Since she's had this cold so long that the doctor just prescribed antibiotics. We're going to give it a couple of days to see if it (finally) goes away on its own. Other than the snot parade, she's in extremely good spirits, although she woke up several times last night. We'll be drugging her with benedryl tonight to allow parental rest to occur.
Can't wait to see you guys and to meet Maximus. Safe travels.
awwwwwwwwww poor little Max
I guess I've been real lucky. Kiddo has only had the cold like sick stuff about 12 times in his 11 years.
But boy that stomach stuff, and the projectile vomiting. Now there is fun times. hehehehehe
In my humble opinion, HE IS TOO YOUNG FOR A COLD!!!!
"...happy and hungry when he's awake..."
That's all you need to know.
I think I've told you this before...our old General Practitioner said, for a cold, "I can give you something for that, and it will go away in two weeks, or you can just put up with it, and it will go away in a fortnight."
As for the alcohol cure, I say it works wonders for the occasional parental dosing...
Awww, poor guy. Well, as long as it isn't really affecting his sleep and mood, then you guys are probably ok. They sure can be little troopers about colds when they are this young, simply because they don't know what the hell is going on. But you gotta love the snot sucker thing! There is some scientific word for it, but it escapes me.
Awwww... as soon as he builds up an immune system, he'll be just fine:)
Grace is sick too...so, as you'll soon be hearing a lot--there must be a virus going around.
Hope Max feels better and hope you don't catch it!
I hope that Max is well soon. It is good to have friends to rely on for advice and guidance. You will be an expert much sooner than kid number five. Take care.
Poor little Max. I hope this cold/sniffle goes away quickly!
You can be comforted to know that this is the beginning of Max building immunities that will hold him in good stead for the rest of his life.
i know nothing about this stuff.
i'm just here to support you.
like a cup.
"he's dead Jim"
but not out...Whyday Frday is on...even if the blog is going underground for a spell...ask a why on Friday Corkscrew.
Jenny: With a Master's degree in Felix the Cat you would be invincible!
Willsix: I hope she feels better! Max can't wait to meet her and wont stop talking about her. ;)
Burfica: 12 times in a 11 years is very impressive. Lot's of chicken soup being served up there? ;)
Enemy: Yeah, but do you think he's too young to start driving yet? ;)
Leslie: Are doctor doesn't want us to give him anything for it, and that's exactly what we've given him. The saline solution has really helped though.
Gina: I love using the snot sucker thing. I think it's called a Turkey baster? ;)
Beader: I think he's doing good so far. He also had that ting when he was born so his immune system should be getting strong. :)
Erika: I hope she feels better! I recommend spaghettios at that age. ;)
Ashley: Thanks! So far so good.
MJD: Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm not sure my wife is on board with the number 5 though. ;)
Peggy: Max is already starting to sound better. Thanks for the well wishes. :)
What a Crock: Thanks! Well, if you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter. ;)
Jerrster: I'll see you then my man.
G'day Corky Jr,
This get-well wish comes to you from my entire family, all the way from Australia.
I've got three kids so I know what Captain Corky and Mrs C are going through.
Chin up, young fella. God bless
G'day Captain Corky
Have added you to my blogroll so I donlt lose track of this blog.
I hope the little guy is doing better. No one likes when babies get sick. They are so pissed at the world and cannt understand why mommy keps sticking this big blue ball thingie up thier noses and they have no clue to why the mommy is sticking this cold glass thing up thier booty!
Poor Max, hope he's better soon! Just wanted to check in and say hello.
I hope the little guy feels better soon. I always hate it when my kids get sick.
poor baby!!
My advice, don't freak out too much when he gets sick, but you or your wife need to have a physician you can call when weird shit goes down. My ex freaked everytime my son blinked too often, causing A LOT of ER visits that were cured by them giving him Tylenol.
hahahahaha....5th are you mad:)..o ja...;)
well my sisters baby turned two last week and she is also more sick than well...they grow....it will be fine:)
You kinda remind me of Dr. Cox from Scrubs when his kid gets the sniffles - do you watch that show?
we can't waste the tissue...you may need it for Corky Jr! have fun.
Shit, why you gotta go, man!!
I hope Corky Jr feels better soon..look at it this way, from one parent to another-and I'll never give advice by the way, unless asked..:)...
it's just one less cold that he'll have in his lifetime...
Have a good trip!
NJ? Right around the block. Have fun while you are there.
I hear there is a lot of activity at
HI Captain..i hope Max is feeling better by now...take care and i hope the three of your enjoy your little vacation.
Hey Corks,
God says buy a ticket on Friday's lottery.
Oh darn. You aren't around.
Hope your vacation was worth it.
Nooooo!!! Doesn't he have a superpower that won't allow him to get sick??? Well, hope he's feeling better. You get to play Bachelor-dad for a day or two eh?
I hope that your trip is grand. I am sure that friends and family will love visiting with our little Max. Have a wonderful time.
Hope the Corky jr weathers the storms. He will, it's all good.
I always like the classic Star Trek pictures. Hopefuly the kid never actually needs Bones McCoy to beam down there.
That would be nice if he made house calls, though.
My God, how will I make it through the weekend? I need more tissue.
I hope he feels better soon.
I hope you have a fun and safe trip.
Hope Junior is better and that you have a great weekend ....
Corky jr will bounce right back...babies are amazingly resilient! Hope you have a good trip to NJ.
lol... "getting his masters degree in god"
"Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor not a machine!!"
I want to see that dude and Doctor Smith from Lost in Space in a celebrity boxing match.
Hope Little Corky is feeling better.
Poor baby! Hopefully this is not going to be a common thing. D was very healthy and only had one ear infection and thats it so far! Give him a kiss for me!
Dear Captain, take good care and have a great time---sounds as if you and A. are doing just fine on this whole Parent Thing on the first go-around...
and you give a, well, you know.
That should keep y'all out of hell any day of the week in my log.
(you'll accept a Get Out of Hell Card from a Buddhist, right? ;-)
Hey Mr. Popular, um, I mean Corky... have a great weekend. Hope your little one is much better.
okay i gotta say it. Nothing is worse then green gooey nose goop from babies.
That's easy for you to say!
Hope the little man is feeling better!
Holy shit you're coming to the east coast????? I am two stalker steps shy of offering my babysitting services for little Max. Except that I would want to hang out with all three of you!
You probably don't have time for me anyway between having to go out for decent pizza and bagels and so forth!
Awwwwww. You really know how to pull at a girl's heartstrings. I hate seeing babies get sick. Poor little man. If it makes him feel any better, I was violently ill with the cold from hell this week, too. Damn bug is makin' its rounds.
Awwwwwwwwww poor Max, hope he is feeling better... And dude, your back now, aren't ya? *puppey eyes*
hopefully baby is feeling better.
*Check out my big announcement on my blog.
Hope Corky jr is feeling better. It'll make you crazy worrying about it. He'll be OK.
Peace out
Where are you? How's Max?
have you had a good time visiting birdman? we missing you you coming back soon?
BTW: Corky Jr. Sleeps MORE when he's sick? Can I borrow some of that sick serum and give it to my boys-you're soooooooooo lucky!!!
my kids, when sick, stay up at all hours...the soon to be 6 year old, the 3 year old and the toddler tot Ben...they get a bogger in their nose and they're up allnight..
Must be that superhero stuff Corky Jr's been drinking!! :)
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