1. Last night at work I blew a golden opportunity to take a dump in one of the toilets that had just been cleaned, because I didn't have to go.
2. On Saturday night I had two beers. It was nice, but I should have drank them a little faster and probably had a couple more. Then I would have had a really nice buzz. I might have even been a little drunk, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
3. There's an official drought here in Kentucky. It doesn't really affect Louisville because of the Ohio River. They're talking about building a pipe line from Louisville to Lexington. Interesting stuff. Know what I mean?
I just started an outside painting job last week, and droughts are usually good when a person needs to do some work outside, but guess what? It rained two days last week for the first time in months. That figures. Really, I didn't mind though. As far as I'm concerned it was just more time to spend with Max, Allyson and TV.

How was your weekend? What did you do? What did you learn, and how has your perspective changed?
I am a clean freak about the bathroom...it's cleaned every week-religiously, disinfected with a good detergent cleaner...but let's move on, shall we?
I was in Lake Tahoe this weekend and was humbled by the beauty of nature. Seein the lake and the beautiful mountains put life back in perspective again for me. So it was a good trip for me.
I think Max looks a tad frightened over your post there cc. What i did this weekend? Going out, shopping, movies & sleep!!! :)
That kid gets cuter and cuter everyday. Can we get a video post soon?
The weekend was kind of crappy. I went to a birthday party for an 85 year old, worked, and hung out at the house. I learned that some people never change, no matter how much you want them to. So my perspective on that is I'm just trying too hard. Let it go sometimes.
I got drunk twice this weekend and remembered why I don't really do that anymore cause I felt like crap the following days. I also got a lot of writing done. And oh yeah, like an hour of sleep last night.
Dare I say it....you're almost turning into a 50s TV dad with your excitement at spending time indoors during the rain with wife and son.
Do you smoke a pipe and wear a dapper suit to work?
Actually, I'm the same way with blizzards....hey kids, let's watch all the Star Wars movies, we can't leave the house!
I clean my bathrooms once a week. I'm more of a freak about my kitchen, although I've been slacking in that area, too. Now I feel guilty.
My weekend was pretty uneventful, I posted about it ;)
Tough break on that freshly cleaned toilet. You could have maybe tried running to Taco Bell and throwing back a couple burritos. That might have made you have to go pretty bad. But, I guess there's always a chance that somebody else would have used the freshly cleaned toilet before you could. That would have taken all the fun out of it.
My weekend was pretty much the same as usual.
P.S. And by "usual" I mean my fantasy team got beat like a red-headed step child again. It's getting ugly and I'm getting desperate. I just picked up Joey Harrington and I might play him next week in place of Phillip "Negative Points" Rivers next week.
Im a once a week person!
"but guess what? It rained two days last week for the first time in months."
man oh man I saw THAT one coming...that is the kinda luck we trekkies seem to have..
oh well what can ya do except turn on the tube and surf for Trek episodes to watch..lmao
max looks a little startled there. you spike his bottle too?
we tore a hole in the wall to try and put in the new pellet stove venting...still not in, but we have a nice hole in the wall...went to a birthday party, baked two loaves of bread, made turkey stock then made turkey dumpling soup, harvested the hops(for making our own beer), dogwalked, slept, drank beer...and didn't really change my outlook too much...well, maybe I will skip my friend's party next year cuz it's a bit to "party" for me...so I guess something did change somewhere along the line, eh?
I clean the bathroom whenever it needs it. I probably should clean it everyday. Nobody around here knows how to pick up after themselves.
Shawn had an old friend drop by unexpectedly on Saturday evening, so he had a couple of beers, too. I think that it is the first time since we have lived here that we bought beer. Big night.
It was a nice visit. His old friend knew Shawn wayyyy back when,and it was good to see him. He was very...animated. I think that he scared Jessica a bit, to be honest with you. It's all good, though.
It's been a suoer dry summer here, too. My garden didn't do anything, it was so dry. They just lifeted the watering ban, now that it's October. Cuz you know, we are all watering our gardens in October.
I spent sunday, laughing at gigantor's frog kicking. hehehehehe
Ahhh, at least once a week.
This baby Max just keeps growing cuter and cuter! Love the bug-a-boo eyes!
We were all sick this weekend, even though we went to a birthday party that had one of those 5-in-1 bouncers and it got all Lord of the Flies in there where all the boys tried to beat each other.
Ah, good times.
And, is that your bathroom? How I envy it's shiny cleanliness!
I am sick, so no bathroom cleaning for me.
I clean my own bathroom once a week. The kids' bathroom sadly doesn't need cleaning now that they are gone.
I got down on my knees and planted sixty crocus bulbs in the lawn. I had one of those bulb planters that dig a big plug of crap out of the soil, then I put the bulb in and put the plug of crap back.
I learnt that I don't like sustained manual labour and now I worry that I might go blind before next Spring.
i clean the loo every week, even twice a week.
had a great weekend, drinking, shopping, sleeping and eating and drinking and eating!
We STILL don't have a TV.
I got nothing. We didn't do much at all this weekend.
My weekend was not spent cleaning the toilet. I don't do it nearly enough. The weekend was pretty awesome. The weather was the best here.
That baby is getting cuter by the nano second.
I clean the toilet either every day or every other day. I live with 2 males.
My son turned nine. So the weekend was busy!
To answer your question I try to once a week but sometimes it turns into every other week.
So, still, Max doesn't have a super hero to stare at with his new silver contact lenses.
And you definitely have a 'moisture' theme going on in that post. I'm sure Max contributes his absolute utmost...
Me? I hit 'publish' when I should have hit 'save and continue editing', had to 'delete', because it was out of sequence, and had to rewrite (reinvent) a complete jalapeno post.
I clean the toilet once a week normally on Sunday.
p.s. Toilets in our house get cleaned every Saturday morning.
so, guess what I just did?
cleaned my already clean toilet...I am "babysitting" my friend's dog and his favorite waterdish is the toilet so I made sure it was super clean... I really like that dog...just in the master bath...the one in the guest room only gets cleaned if we're gonna have company and since I rarely reveal the fact that I have a spare room...well, you see where I am going with this, right?
I spent Saturday in the Emergency Room. I thought I was going to work. As far as perspective...I realized work just wasn't as important as I thought it was.
So if there is a drought, what is that doing for the fall colors?
Next time you feel the need to clean a toilet, come to my place in Rockland County.
Friday night I DJed a wedding.
I worked a very long day on Saturday including running a very large community event at my Pet Care facility and I watched football with The Apologist and then with KJR on Sunday.
As always my weekends are sad.
I have to confess - I have a cleaning lady. It's one luxury I afford myself. I don't buy knick knacks. I don't smoke weed. I spend my spare dough on someone else cleaning up after my shit [literally].
It's a once a week affair.
I must seem so stupid having a cleaning lady but seriously, besides clothes, books, and music I really don't spend my money on anything else.
First, I fell off my chair laughing at the first sentence...
And, secondly, my weekend was fine. I ran a spotlight for Heart on Friday nite. They ROCKED! THen, I worked ZZ Top's show on Saturday. Gotta love those furry guitars... :D
You have asked a lot of questions. 1. I try to clean the toilets once a week.
2. My weekend was good.
3. Saturday, I did housework, but I did not clean toilets. (Maybe I should do that after this comment.)Sunday, we went to church and the beach.
4. Hmmm, what did I learn? I learned that Jeremiah was in jail and he told the king that Nebuchadnezzar was coming to get him.
5. How my perspective has changed? I will have to think about that.
I have relatives in Lexington and Louisville. Are you Louisvillians willing to share your water with the Lexingtonians?
Max seems mesmerized by the flying toy.
"Ok", "Nothing", "Nothing" "Not in anyway"... :)
Sorry, I slip into a void sometimes...
LOL @Max pic. He looks soooo cute n surprised by u? :)
I clean my toilet every week...it's in pretty good condition all the time. Im a clean-freak :)
Great weekend, we did alotof things, you can see it on my blog :)
I always thought the toilet cleaned itself, until I got my own place.
Damn was I pissed to learn the ugly truth.
Lidowns won again! We need to fire Millen beofre he fucks it up. And the Ford familly. Fire'em all!
Corky Jr. looks like a little version of a football player. round shoulders and everything.
I learned that some people still think doing a bad impression of someone from another ethnic group qualifies as humour.
Wow, accents? What a creative idea!
My weekend was mostly good. I worked, played, and had sex. I learned that I should not do my show when I am exhausted and my brain has ceased to work. My perspective is that the Cowboys are a threat to take it all this year!!! GO COWBOYS!!!
I clean the toilet every few months maybe when there is a foul brown ring of congealed piss all over the bowl. I guess I am less hygenic than most ladies eh?
As soon as I have the money i will pay a cleaning woman to deal with my filthy toilet.
I just answered all of your questions over at my blog... except the toilet one. The answer to that is: five more times than my boyfriend does.
You can get the answer to your questions by checking out my newest blog entry.
I clean the toilet about once every two weeks. But Hoop scrubs it down every time he uses it for #2. I make him. Otherwise I have to avoid the bathroom until the next cleaning day. Yes, it's really that bad.
My TB gets cleaned once a week. It gets cleaned better on the second week when the Cleaning lady does it. She only comes twice a month but it is so worth it.
The weekend was great. I finally figured out how to pop the cork myself and have been enjoying the wine ever since.
The weather was PERFECT!
hmm...lets see
I learned that you should really read the whole match.com profile BEFORE you date the guy. The tag line is important.
When it says 'in touch with feminine side' it probably means he likes to wear dresses.
my perspective has changed because he actually looked better in my pink frock than I do.
My toilet needs cleaning - what do you suggest I use - it hasn't been cleaned since 1988.
toilets are cleaned at least once a week here at the Casa....more often if I think they need it.
I had a great weekend...I went shopping both Friday and Saturday. Bought 5 dresses in less then 48 hours. Woo Hoo! LOL
p.s. Max is too cute! :)
I learned an important lesson: Drinking too much and puking at work functions apparently seems to be acceptable at my workplace. I am just saying thank goodness for that because otherwise I could have really embarrassed myself!
BTW-Max keeps getting cuter and cuter!!!
Corky, keep those Max picture coming.
What did I learn?
That kindness cannot ever be overrated.
Thanks, dear Captain.
No car so limited mobility til parts for deer imbedded car come in!Did watch Wild Hogs finally it has been sitting on tv since dvd came out, too funny. now I should go clean toilet thanks so much!
Toilet cleaned every couple of days...what can i say, my nephew has bad aim!
As to the weekend...slept.
What was Max looking at?
I try to clean mine weekly.
Weekends are for relaxing!
I wish palm springs savant lived near me, I would pay him to clean my toilet. It's been a long time. I'm currently trying to work through the build up. Ugh.
That looks so bad in black and white. It looks just as bad in person. But I'm trying to own it.
I clean my toliet once a week....I'm a clean freak as well..yellow colors on the toliet rim freak me out!!
What did I learn this past week?
That no matter how much hope I have, no matter how far the Cubs go, I'll never give up hope, even when they lose..
and I learned that bears dominate dairy!!
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