Monday, January 21, 2008

No Dr Martin Luther King boxer shorts at Old Navy

As some of you may know, today is Dr. Martin Luther King Day. I could go on and on about his contribution to history and talk about how incredible he was, but I would hope by now you all know it.

But I'm not sure that you're aware of his contribution to Star Trek...

Nichelle Nichols was contemplating leaving the show. Why, I'll never understand, but she was ready to quit, and then she ran into King, who told her that she had to stay on the show. He talked about how important is was for a black woman to have a prominent role on a network television show, and she said in an interview she gave Captain Corky that it gave her the chills. She may have even cried. I would have balled my eyes out if I had a chance to talk with Dr. Martin Luther King about Star Trek.

Turns out he was a big fan of the show, and really, who isn't? I hope you take some time today to reflect upon King's contributions. Without Uhara on Star Trek who would have answered the phone on the enterprise? Plus, we mustn't forget TV's first interracial kiss between Kirk and Uhara.


willSIX butts in:

To this day, I wonder if the only way they could get this on TV was to make it so Kirk was being mind controlled into kissing Uhura.


Sunshine said...

She came to speak at my college and I couldn't go (probably working one of my three jobs) but a couple guys I was friends with did and said she was super cool and not "I'm famous and I'm better than you" or anything.

I always thought she was so beautiful when I watched ST as a kid.

Casdok said...

Im glad he talked Uhara into staying!

Leighann said...

She was one of the first chicks I ever had a crush on! :)

Burfica said...

She was the hottest chick on that program, she can still hold hottness against 7 of 9 hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

So...everything begins and ends with Star Trek doesn't it?!?! I'm beginning to understand.

Jay said...

That is a very uplifting story about Dr. King. He did many great things. Talking Nichelle Nichols into staying on Star Trek was obviously one of his best moments.

Nichelle was a trailblazer too.

Dana said...

So that's the part he had to leave out of his, "I have a dream" speech!

Anonymous said...

I was always startlingly impressed by the pressure cooker weights in her ear. No matter how hard I tried, it never had the same effect for me.

Unknown said...

Nichelle Nichols was/is a wonderful woman, and she did make a great stand by being on ST and staying on the show.
She was beautiful then and aged so well.
Great post to commemorate the day, and hey I didn't find any fabric to make u boxers with for this holiday.

whimsical brainpan said...

I had no idea. Great post!

Molly said...

In 1964, I ate in a restaurant at a table next to Dr. King. We did not speak. Since Star Trek was not on the air yet, we would not have discussed this important contribution. Still, I was in awe of his presence.

Michael Colvin said...

[Without Uhara on Star Trek who would have answered the phone on the enterprise?]

I never thought about it like that, lol!

Jo said...

My goodness, he was right wasn't he? Michelle Nichols set a precedent.


MrRyanO said...

Did I read that correctly...she cried when you interviewed her? She must have seen the "guns"...

dilling said...

1963, a negotiated truce in Kenya led to a majority rule known as Uhuru in Kenyan...or Freedom.

Jodi said...

You are so funny.

Why haven't we had any recent pics of Max?

Max's public is clamoring for more!


HAR said...

Thanks for zoning in on one of his most overlooked accomplishments.

ALF said...

My dad LOVES Star Trek. I have seen my fair share of episodes and oddly enough, this comes in handy more than I would have ever expected...

Billy said...

Posts like these are the reasons why I keep coming back. Love you man!

Bonnie Blue said... actually DO learn something new every day.

So, are we to assume that on this special day, Corky goes Commando?

The Lone BeaderĀ® said...

I still have plans for a beaded Starship Enterprise... But, you might have to help me blog that one... LOL.

captain corky said...

Sunshine: I heard her speak at a mega comic book convention in NY when I was a kid. I thought it was a really cool story!

Casdok: Me too. It would have been hard to swallow seeing Nurse Chapel manning the communications counsel. I'm not a freak... I swear. ;)

Leighann: That's a great first crush. Lots of cleavage and legs. ;)

Burfica: Yeah, she was smokin. ;)

Nikki: Of course everything begins and ends with Star Trek. Haven't you ever read the bible. And on the 7th day when people thought God was resting, he was actually working on the pilot for Star Trek.

captain corky said...

Emmeline: That's just technicolor for you. Everyone looks the same in technicolor. ;)

Jay: You have vast understanding of history, Jay. I applaud you. She really was a trailblazer and so was that show. Imagine offering us a future that doesn't end in fire and brimstone. What was Rodenberry thinking?

Dana: He had no choice. Time was limited, but it was one of the biggest regrets of his life. ;)

Maddy: She pulled that look off nicely. I normally don't go for big earrings my self. ;)

Penelope Anne: Perhaps next year. ;)

captain corky said...

Whim: Glad you liked it. Most of the post is true. I may or may not have sat down with Nichelle though... ;)

MJD: I bet. Very few people in history have had that kind of charisma.

Tod: I think of a lot of important stuff like that. ;)

Josie: He was right about so many things.

Rockdog: They always cry when they see the guns. ;)

captain corky said...

Dilling: I think she talked about that too when I interviewed her, or maybe it was at a comic book convention. ;)

Hoosiergirl5: I'll post some pics of him real soon. ;)

Har: That's what I'm here for. It's what I do. ;)

Alf: Your Dad has impeccable taste.

Abbagirl74: Thanks. Glad to have you. ;)

captain corky said...

Bonnie blue: Of course. I couldn't represent yesterday with a pair of St Patrick's Day boxers. That just wouldn't be right. ;)

Beader: I would be glad to help, and that would be amazing. ;)

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I LOVE your mAx gym, first of all, everytime I come here...just wait until the star runs out of batteries, it'll sound like Star Trek itself..I miss having ours up. But the bunny? Switch that pic with a picture of your favorite character of the month from Star Trek, that'll help with the continuation (sp?)of love within the Corky family!

I do agree, Uhara was someone that I loved gazing at, especially because of her tremendous tummy...beautiful woman!

Stay warm!

Ms. Tuesday said...

check it out coreky... found this just for you:

Real Live Lesbian said...

I still like to look at her! ;)

Great post!

Biddie said...

I always thought that she was a beautiful woman. I remember wondering what all the fuss was about when I was a kid. So, he kissed Uhura. Didn't he kiss a green lady, too?

Aunt Jackie said...

Sexy Star Trek stuff there... yeah baby!!! We were off for the holiday. Next one for me is Presidents Day. Yes, I Live H2H---Holiday to Holiday.


Love to the Corky family!!!!

Samantha_K said...

That's amazing.

And honestly the most unique tribute to MLK I've ever read.

Thanks for stopping by my place, come again soon.

Crashdummie said...

oh, wouldnt mind having some of Uhuras power - they might come in handy ;)

Cazzie!!! said...

Mind controlled hey? Hmm

Anonymous said...

One giant step for mankind!

Canadian flake said...

awwwww yesssssss I remember that kiss...I was, of course, in love with

geewits said...

I watched Oprah's special on MLK and thought for sure she would mention this. So many young black women were inspired by Nichols' role. Yay for Gene Roddenberry!

DJ Kirkby said...

I always learn something interesting here!

Princess Pointful said...

And, consequently, didn't seeing a black woman as a regular on a TV show inspire Whoopi Goldberg to go into showbiz?
Not that I'm a huge Whoopi fan... but it's still pretty damn cool.

Guilty Secret said...

She is hot!

captain corky said...

Crusty: He outgrew it a couple of months ago. It was a sad day for Captain Corky. But he's more than made up for it by starting to crawl, teeth, and sitting up in his crib. He's amazing. :)

Tuesday: The link doesn't work. Send it to me again if you will.

Real Live Lesbian: Me too. ;)

Biddie: LOL! Good point.

Aunt Jackie: Presidents Day is a big deal around here. I'll post more about it when the time comes.

captain corky said...

Samantha K: Thanks! I'll be over soon. ;)

Crashdummie: Not only that, but she can sing too. ;)

Cazzie: Mind Control is what it's all about.

Gawilli: Exactly! ;)

Canadian Flake: Some of us still are. ;)

captain corky said...

DJ Kirkby: And very useful too. ;)

Princess Pointful: Not only that, but she was on Star Trek the Next Generation. Not nearly as good but... what are ya gonna do?

Guilty Secret: One of her best moments on the show.

Enemy of the Republic said...

I'm glad you brouoght this up. Both The Twilight Zone with Rod Sterling and Star Trek were very political shows, and they took risks. That alone has made me the junkie I am today of both.

Metal Mark said...

Uhura was very hot and actually she still is attractive.

Pixie said...

I actually knew that fact about it being the first interracial kiss on TV.

Thats a cool story!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Corky for helping me understand the true value of Dr. King's legacy. This story is new to me. Does Oprah cover it? No. Does Tyra? No. (That's right, she is still trying to recover from the excitement of getting bangs last year.)

I hope you at least got a day off!

Anonymous said...

Didn't she want to get off the show because Shatner was a total dick to the entire cast?

I really don't get your obsession with that show or M*A*S*H

captain corky said...

Enemy of the Republic: I know what you mean. I treat Star Trek the same way most preachers treat their bibles.

Metal Mark: Yeah, she aged well.

Pixie: It's a good fact to know. Could win you 60 grand on millionaire some day. ;)

Ashley: I'm actually off all week. It's really nice!

Birdman: No, Shatner is benevolent, and people that don't like Star Trek have major issues.

Pud said...

I agree with Sunshine, I thought she was beautiful too!


Isn't that sad, that they had to make believe he was being mind controlled to justify a inter racial kiss?
He was a great man, MLK.

jAMiE said...

Wow, what a cool story...i bet you are glad she stayed...*wink wink*

Cindy-Lou said...

Judging by the gleam in his eye the mind control had worn off by that point...

Karen Jensen said...

Who'd have thunk it? Thanks for telling us!

Pink said...

He was a persuasive man.

King. Not Kirk.

Unknown said...

Corky ~ Today's post is dedicated to you come and check it out.
The Mama Bear

Rick Rockhill said...

she was always one of my top three favs on the show. She is to Trek what Deanna Troy was to Next Gen in my book.