Today's the last day of the month. That means that there's going to be a lot of assholes out and about. Luckily I won't be one of them. The good news is that I don't have to go to the DMV today to renew my registration. My birthday is in October and not February. That gives me until October 31st before I have to even think about stepping foot in to the DMV. Can't say that I'm not happy about that... Have you seen some of the monsters that go to the DMV these days? It's enough to make a person start riding a bike, permanently.
This year is already starting to move at a record pace. Tomorrow is March 1st for Christ's sake and I just got around to setting up my online calender today. So far I have three dates "circled". July 10th the due date of our baby, March 9th the first day of our spring vacation, and February 4 the Super Bowl. I should probably add my wife's birthday, our anniversary, and the opening of trout season too. Please let me know if If you think of something I should add to the calender. For those of you that have your shit together enjoy your Wednesday. And for those of you that don't... Better get moving asshole it's already 10:09 AM Eastern Standard Time!
This year is already starting to move at a record pace. Tomorrow is March 1st for Christ's sake and I just got around to setting up my online calender today. So far I have three dates "circled". July 10th the due date of our baby, March 9th the first day of our spring vacation, and February 4 the Super Bowl. I should probably add my wife's birthday, our anniversary, and the opening of trout season too. Please let me know if If you think of something I should add to the calender. For those of you that have your shit together enjoy your Wednesday. And for those of you that don't... Better get moving asshole it's already 10:09 AM Eastern Standard Time!
NFL Draft is April 28th and 29th. That's an important date. I'm not sure when the NFL schedule comes out, but when it does you will know when opening weekend is and can start making plans.
You might want to circle deer season too.
And if you get time, maybe cirlce the birthdays of your parents and any siblings you might have. If you get time.
I own no calenders at home and rarely write down any dates.
I don't have my shit together and have to move in a month! Yikes!
I woudn't even bother writing down any dates after July 10th. You won't have time for anything else after Corky Jr is born.
Just saying.
December 26th.
My birthday.
Thank you.
Feb 16th
My Birthday..Oh wait you missed it :\
Jame T Kirk looks very sensual in that pic you have there Corky.
Oh, Corky...
Your calender is going to be circled so many times after July 10th it's going to be funny.
It'll go a little like this:
July 17th, 2am: Corky Jr peed on me for the first time!
July 17th, 11am: It's not even noon yet and Corky Jr has gone through 18 diapers! What a champ!
July 20th, 4pm: Corky Jr Smiled at me, I know he did! They say it's gas, but damnit I saw a smile!
July 24th, 7am: Corky Jr slept for more than 45 minutes last night! The bags under my eyes receded about a millemeter!
Today's the last day of the month. That means that there's going to be a lot of assholes out and about.
I have no idea why, but this reasoning just cracked me up no end! Somehow it makes sense ... but not really. You have a way with words Captain.
There are a lot of assholes out on the last day of the month?
Hmmm..that would expalin an awful lot. ;)
Steve, there are lots of those out on any given day!!! I assure you--lol
Corky, we'll all get through it together. I agree the pressure of the time zipping by is tremendous!
Not enough hours... days... weeks.
tomorrow is payday.. payday, pay-day, paaaaaayday!!! cha cha cha
Sunshine's birthday, March 13
MY SON & the fabulous William Shatner, March 22...but, you already knew that
Add these to the month of March
Workplace Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month
Eye Donor Month
Kidney Month
National Craft Month
National Frozen Food Month
National Noodle Month National
National Peanut Month National
Rosacea Awareness Month
And my personal favorite....
Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month
I kid you not...all valid
Heck I can't wait till May 22. I move down to Long Beach and start class.
I did all my DMV junk online. So you will not be seeing me in any line any time soon.
So what is the reason for the assholes being out the other days of the month?
Bardoubles and Jay's Birthdays are in March also!
I forget the exact day, but reserve a spot for the Simpson's Movie.
That would be July 27th
I work in southern under....must I also move my asshole;)
A date to add to your calender is 12 April....Why, cause I picked a date and that's my choice.:)
So i'm playing catchup today july 9th and august 10th. the last is the most important.
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