I Knew There Was a Reason I've Never Been to Alabama
I mean, aside from the whole "why would anybody want to go to Alabama" rationale, which, while facially valid, isn't nearly as likely to cause major ear worm for mon Capitán, the Corkster. Sleante!
It's sad but true. Even sadder is that I still have to do another year of law school before I can convince the New York and New Jersey Bar Associations the same thing.
Well, let me tell you about the south!!! haha... There are some funny things... All you have to do is pass through, or read my blog for funny southern stuff!! :D
MY question is, HOW DOES ONE get these videos into their blog?
Still LMAO. Now I want to go to a flea market and do that bit. I'm not huge, and I'm not black. Little white me, just doing something like that at the swap meet. Laughing my cracker ass off!If I grow the sack to do it, I'll put it on video...
if you think that is bad you should see some of the ignoramous car dealership commercials here. this one douchbag actually says "never pay retail ageeen". not again, ageeeeen. i want to shoot him in the face
Errm. My momma's from Alibama. So is her brother, my dad.
Now, now. Contrary to popular opinion, incest exists worldwide, not just in Alabama.
will: only one kind of person uses term "facially valid." you're officially an attorney now.
It's sad but true. Even sadder is that I still have to do another year of law school before I can convince the New York and New Jersey Bar Associations the same thing.
Well, let me tell you about the south!!! haha... There are some funny things... All you have to do is pass through, or read my blog for funny southern stuff!! :D
I thought that guy was great myself. He's got serious talent. ;-)
there was something definitely wrong with that man's eyes.
"Just like a mini-mall".
Thanks for that wonderful ear worm Will. I think I might have seen this commercial before.
I've only been to Alabama once and I don't really know much about it but I hear Kentucky is...similar.
"Ellen" loved this commercial and had this guy on her show.
Go figure...
p.s. Sadly for me, this commercial airs on the NBC affiliate here in Hell....
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
so that's where sir mixalot disappeared to.
Will, my jaw HURTS from laughing so hard.
MY question is, HOW DOES ONE get these videos into their blog?
Still LMAO. Now I want to go to a flea market and do that bit. I'm not huge, and I'm not black. Little white me, just doing something like that at the swap meet. Laughing my cracker ass off!If I grow the sack to do it, I'll put it on video...
You know, I just might shop there!!
We will be having korean one day, right?
Believe it or not, I have this song on my iPod...and I listen to it!
When I was in the military I was stationed in Pensacola, FL. for about 9 months. We refered to it as "L.A." That means "Lower Alabama."
Some dubious gene pools in that place, let me tell ya.
if you think that is bad you should see some of the ignoramous car dealership commercials here. this one douchbag actually says "never pay retail ageeen". not again, ageeeeen. i want to shoot him in the face
I might take a trip to Mongomery. That guy was very convincing.
C'Mon, Corky... it's just like a mini-mall!!!
If awesomeness were people this guy would be Montgomery, Alabama...which he probably already is...
Oh no you di'int! Corky--why'd you have to show me the rapping humpty dumpty furniture guy?
...It's just like, a mini mall!
O. M. G.
How about those eyeballs?
I saw this guy on Ellen too.
That's quite the rapping, I'm sure you'd run down and buy up the whole store!
he DID do "Crazy Eyes" and I wet myself. It's hard to enjoy a song when the singer makes you smell like your own urine.
Thanks. That guy will keep me from enjoying a good nights sleep for weeks. Crazy eyes.
This is the shittiest commercial I have ever seen. It's so annoying. I hate this guy.
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